Clubhouse Team: Manager, Mrs P Marsh
Deputy Manager, Mrs D Grayson, Miss H Edwards,
Miss L Dunbavin, Miss V Coates, Miss H Moran, Miss McCoy, Miss McGowan, Miss Boyd & Miss O Greenwood
: Blog items

Clubhouse - Summer 2 - Week 7

Date: 18th Jul 2024 @ 3:32pm

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And just like that, it is the end of the year.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your on-going support throughout the year and your very generous gifts.

We wish all of the Year 6’s good luck in their new adventures and we look forward to seeing everyone else in September after a well-deserved break.

Thanks again, from the Clubhouse team.


Clubhouse - Summer 2 - Week 6

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 1:30pm

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And just like that, our penultimate week of the year is over.

Even though we are nearly at the end of the year, the fun has not stopped in club.

The children have really been enjoying our active area in club this week, especially taking part in some fun boxercise, bouncing on the trampoline and having a few games of basketball. It has been great to burn off some excess energy even when the weather outside hasn’t been great.

Some children donned their creative hats this week and designed their own towns and cities in the role play area, complete with a zoo, a train station and a variety of different houses. They all showed great perseverance as they built their designs-even though it wasn’t always easy.  Everyone then had a great time creating narratives through their play.

When the weather was on our side, fresh air was much appreciated by all with the children enjoying a variety of playground games and team games. They all showed great sportsmanship, encouraging each other and working as a team.

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Reminder: There is no after school club on Friday 19th as school finishes at 1pm.

Clubhouse - Summer 2 - Week 4

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 4:05pm

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And just like that, another week has ended and we are one step closer to the end of the year.

The children have all loved our home corner this week, immersing themselves in lots of imaginative play. They dressed up in a variety of costumes and outfits and put on their creative thinking hats to act out play. We even had a big sing along on Monday night, where each child dressed up in their favourite outfit and picked which song they wanted to sing and dance along to. A great time was had by all.

The weather has almost been a bit too nice this week, and the sunshine stopped us from going outside on a few nights as we didn’t want to burn. But that didn’t stop the fun in Club – any excuse for an ice lolly to cool us down. We were grateful for the cooler weather towards the end of the week and enjoyed running off some energy outside.

The Euros has still been popular in Club and we have still been enjoying watching some of the matches and cheering on our favourite teams.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Clubhouse - Summer 2 - Week 3

Date: 19th Jun 2024 @ 4:24pm


Football mania has hit Clubhouse this week.

The children have emerged themselves in the spirit of the Euros this week and have been taking part in lots of Euro themed activities including decorating some flags, designing their own football kits and colouring in the various players of the England squad. We have also been lucky enough to put some of the matches on the big screen which some children, especially the older ones have loved watching.

The children’s creative juices have been flowing and they have taken part in a number of different craft activities, including painting, bracelet making and collage making. The children showed great fine motor skills and resilience when making the bracelets, especially the younger children who were happy to remake their bracelets when they dropped them and lost the beads. Their determination paid off and the finished results were fantastic.

Inspired by the Euros, some of the children took part in a mini football tournament outside. They showed great sportsmanship and all had a great time taking part. It was lovely to see children of all ages joining in and having such a great time.

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Clubhouse - Summer 2 - Week 2

Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 4:30pm


We have had another busy week in Clubhouse.

As the excitement is growing for the Euros, the children asked this week if they could create some flags to decorate Clubhouse. The children used their prior knowledge to decorate the flags and also used the Ipads to research the flags they were unsure of. Next week, we will decorate club ready for the tournament.

When the sun was shining at the beginning of the week, we spent a lot of time outside playing a variety of games and taking part in a range of different mini tournaments. As the weather deteriorated towards the end of the week, we took the tournaments inside and the children enjoyed a basketball competition, a football table competition and even as bouncing competition to see who could bounce on the trampoline the most times in a minute.

As always, the children have been very creative this week, using the beads to design and make their own pieces of jewellery. Although it was tricky at times, the children showed great perseverance and were proud of their finished results.

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Clubhouse - Summer 2 - Week 1

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 8:26am


We have had a lovely first week back after the half term holidays.

It has been lovely to welcome everyone back after half term and listen to all the adventures that everyone had been on.

Our role play area has transformed into a campsite ready for our final summer term. The children helped to pitch the tent and then selected everything that they needed for their campsite. The children worked together to create and act out imaginative scenarios, using their prior knowledge and experiences during their play.

The older children have been showing our nurture value again this week by engaging in activities with some of the younger children. They have especially enjoyed completing jigsaws together, showing great perseverance to work together to reach their goal.

We have thoroughly enjoyed spending lots of time outside this week, playing basketball, whizzing around on scooters and setting up different courses to complete.

Clubhouse - Summer 1 - Week 5

Date: 15th May 2024 @ 2:15pm


What a fun week we have had!

The children were very excited this week when we finally got our basketball net – with a big thank you to Mr Essery for assembling it. Everyone had a great time playing a variety of basketball games including, around the world, shootout and basketball tag. Children of all abilities had a great time playing these games and everyone showed great sportsmanship.

As well as basketball, the children set up and played a range of playground games including duck, duck, goose, corners and what’s the time Mr Wolf. A great time was had by all.

Inside, our role play area has transformed into an ice cream shop. On Tuesday, the children helped to make some ice cream cones and a variety of ice lollies to sell in the shop – they looked good enough to eat.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend, see you next week.  

Clubhouse - Summer 1 - Week 4

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 10:50am

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Even though it has been a short week, we have had a great time in club.

The weather has been on our side this week and we have spent a lot of time outside enjoying our new equipment which we got using our Tesco grant. The children have been very excited about taking part in a wide range of activities including giant snakes and ladders, dominos, giant connect 4 amongst many more. Everyone definitely showed our ‘enjoy’ value whilst taking part in all of the games.

We have also been lucky enough to receive lots of donations of new toys in club so the children have been helping to construct and set them up in club. We have also been taking part in lots of crafty activities such as bracelet making, junk modelling, as well as some baking on Thursday.

We hope the sunshine continues and that you all have a lovely weekend.

Clubhouse - Summer 1 - Week 2

Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 3:49pm


We have had another lovely week in club.

The sun has been shining so we have spent lots of time playing outside. We have enjoyed a variety of playground games, a popular one being head or catch. The children had to put on their thinking caps and really concentrate to remember to do the opposite of what they were told to do. The older children helped to explain the rules to the younger children, showing our nurture value.

Inside, the children have been showing off their creative skills and have taken part in a variety of craft activities including sewing, bracelet making and keyring making. The children showed great resilience and patience, as well as fantastic fine motor skills.

On Thursday, the children asked if they could do some baking. They had a root in the cupboards to see what ingredients they could find. Next, they used the Ipads to research different recipes and finally decided to make some banana muffins. They then followed the instructions carefully, step by step and baked their muffins. The finished results were delicious and the children had a great time taking part. Once again, the older children showed great leadership, helping the younger children to read the recipe and tell them the next steps.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend, let’s hope the sun keeps shining!

Clubhouse - Summer 1 - Week 1

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 8:40am

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What a great first week back we have had!

It has been lovely welcoming everyone back after the Easter holidays and hearing about all the lovely things that everyone had been up to.

We have had a great first week in club and it has been lovely to see everyone settle back into club so quickly.

This week, our topic has been pirates, so we turned our small world into a pirate paradise. The children had a great time reading the pirate story and then acting it out in their play.

Some children really showed our ‘Nurture’ value this week, the older children have been lending a helping hand by encouraging the children to play some new games and showing them how to do so. A favourite was the balloon game, where the children took turns to decide different rules to gradually make the game harder.

At last, the lighter nights are here and we have been spending a lot of time outside enjoying the fresh air and playing a big variety of games. Let’s hope the good weather continues.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Clubhouse - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 4:05pm


And just like that, we have completed our last full week before Easter!

What a lovely week we have had in club, there has been lots of laughter and giggles from beginning to end.

We have made the most of the warmer evenings this week and have spent a lot of time outside playing a variety of games and having lots of fun. On Tuesday, some of the Formby High helpers set up a big game of dodgeball which the children of all ages enjoyed playing. They all showed great sportsmanship and teamwork throughout.

Inside, the children have continued with the Easter crafts and have been making pop up Easter eggs. They carefully followed the instructions and pieced together the different parts to make the finished designs using trial and error to make them exactly how they wanted. The children were all really pleased with how they turned out.

Just a polite reminder that there will be no after school club on Thursday 28th March as we finish school at 1pm for the Easter holidays.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Clubhouse - Spring 1 - Week 4

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 4:21pm


And just like that... we are one step closer to Easter.

Much to the excitement of the children, the Easter celebrations have started in club and the children have had lots of fun making Easter crafts and joining in with some Easter activities. They have also been requesting to make more jewellery this week, so they have been putting their fine motor skills to the test to make some fantastic bracelets and necklaces for themselves and their loved ones.

Our construction area has been a hive of activity this week and the children have made an abundance of creations. They have worked together, explaining their ideas, and then selecting the right size bricks to make their designs. They showed great communication throughout and had a lot of fun doing so.

Luckily, we have been able to get outside lots this week and the brighter nights have made so much difference. Inspired by Gladiators, the children especially enjoyed making their own assault courses and timing each other to complete the course, a great time was had by all!

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Clubhouse - Spring 2 - Week 2

Date: 28th Feb 2024 @ 2:46pm


What a busy week we have had in club!

Much to the children’s delight, our roleplay area has transformed into a vet.  The children have had a great time taking on the different roles of the vets, some children acting as the vets, some as the receptionist and some with their poorly animals. They used their imaginations to play out each role and helped to make each pet better. They also practiced using the bandages on each other- much to the amusement of everyone.

In our crafty area, the children have put their fine motor skills to the test and made some jewellery this week using the beads. The children had to show great resilience, as often, the bracelets would fall onto the floor and they had to pick up the beads and start again. Nevertheless, they all have a lovely time and were really proud of their finished results.

Finally, the nights are lighter and we have managed to get outside a few times this week. The children all loved being in the fresh air and playing some group playground games to burn off a bit of extra energy. Spring is definitely on the way!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Clubhouse - Spring 2 - Week 1

Date: 22nd Feb 2024 @ 3:42pm


What a great first week back!

It has been lovely welcoming everyone back into club this week and hearing about everyone’s adventures over half term. We can’t believe how much everyone seems to have grown in a week.

We have had a very creative week in club, the children showed a great interest in superheroes. As a result of this, many of them decided to make their own superhero outfits and masks using a variety of materials and resources. Inspired by their favourite characters, they carefully designed their models and then assembled them, piece by piece. The children were very patient whilst making their outfits and were very excited about the finished results, using their imaginations to act out their play whilst wearing the costumes.

Unfortunately, the weather still hasn’t been on our side this week, so we have spent a lot of time in the hall playing games. Dodge ball has definitely been a favourite. We are lucky enough to have some volunteers from Formby High School, who set up lots of games on Tuesday night for the children to play. They all seemed to have a great time and definitely burnt off some of that extra energy.

Table top games have also been a hit, and on Wednesday night, the children had a great time playing a big group game of UNO extreme. There were a few tense moments as the children waited to see if they would receive the extreme card hit from the machine. The children were so immersed in the game that the night flew by.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Clubhouse - Spring 1 - Week 5

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 8:14am


And just like that… it is the end of this half term.

Haven’t  these past five weeks flown by and the fun hasn’t stopped in club.

The children have been very crafty in club this week and have been involved in lots of various craft activities such as Chinese New Year crafts and Valentine’s day crafts. There is nothing the children love more than to create their own designs and crafts using all the different materials and items that we have on offer in club.

Unfortunately, the weather has been against us again this week and we haven’t been able to get outside as much as we would have liked. However, we have still managed to get to the hall to play some group games and hopefully the weather will get better after half term so that we can spend lots more time outside in the fresh air.

We hope that you all enjoy half term and have a lovely week off.

We are looking forward to hearing all about it!

Clubhouse - Spring 1 - Week 4

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 3:42pm


We have had another great week this week.

On Tuesday, the weather was nice enough to final venture outside. The children had a great time playing group games such as octopus octopus, what’s the time Mr Wolf and Grannies footsteps. We also got some of the big equipment out and the children burnt some energy whizzing around the playground on the scooters. Hopefully the sunny weather continues and we will be able to get outside more as the weeks go by.

Inside, our small world area has been extremely popular, especially the Sylvanian Family toys. The children showed great imaginative play and acted out different scenarios as they played. They then incorporated the construction toys and built the various Sylvanian families different houses to live in.

The children have shown a lot of independence this week – you can tell we are nearly half way through the year. They have helped with making and giving out snack and the older children decided to become table monitors during snack times. The older children then took charge or their tables and decided on topics of conversation to have during snack time, the older children loved taking the lead and the younger children really enjoyed spending the time with the older children.

We can’t believe that we only have one more week left until half term.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Clubhouse - Spring 1 - Week 3

Date: 26th Jan 2024 @ 8:12am


We have had another lovely week in Club.

Our space topic is in full force and the children enjoyed making their own space masks using a variety of different craft materials. They carefully followed the instructions and looked at the model space mask to make their own. The children also loved making their own stories and books all about space and the adventures that they got up to.

The small world area has also been extremely popular, some children worked together to make an amazing train track and then had a great time, using their imaginations to act out their play.

The dancing and party games have continued this week and the children all had a great time joining in and running their own games to play. They were able to explain the rules of their games and take turns to play each other’s games.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Clubhouse - Spring 1 - Week 1

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 4:30pm

IMG_9462[1].JPGIt has been lovely welcoming everyone back this week after the Christmas holidays – we feel like everyone has grown so much!

The children all settled back into the routines of club very quickly and the children have enjoyed catching up with their peers and with the staff and discussing all of the fun that they got up to over the Christmas period.

Our craft area has been extremely popular, especially the junk modelling. The children carefully selected different materials and items to create some incredible models, isn’t it amazing what can be made from a bit of ‘junk’.

It seems that lots of board games have been played over the Christmas period as the children have been asking to play lots of group games. They were great at explaining the rules to anyone that was unsure and then took turns sensibly throughout the games. It was lovely to see children of all ages get involved and enjoy themselves so much.

As it is still extremely cold, we have decided to have some tournaments in club on the table tennis table, air hockey table and football table. Although, it did get a bit loud at times, the children all had such a great time and there were lots of laughs, giggles and competitive spirit. Hopefully we will be able to venture outside soon.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend. See you next week!

Clubhouse - Autumn 2 - Week 8

Date: 19th Dec 2023 @ 12:02pm


We would just like to thank everyone for your very generous and kind gifts that we have received for Christmas.

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and we can not wait to hear all about your adventures when we return to school in January.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Lots of love, the Clubhouse team.

Clubhouse - Autumn 2 - Week 6

Date: 6th Dec 2023 @ 5:33pm


And just like that, we are one step closer to the Christmas holidays.

This week has flown by and Christmas has been in full swing in Club. The children have loved decorating club, designing their own Christmas decorations and especially enjoyed dancing and singing along to lots of Christmas music.

Our roleplay area has turned into Santa’s workshop ready for the festive activities. The children have been trying very hard to perfect their wrapping skills, carefully cutting the paper to the correct size then working together to wrap all of the presents. We have also put our nativity costumes out and the children have connected their learning to their lessons in class and have been acting out the nativity. We definitely have some budding actors.

The group games have been a hit this week, especially UNO. On Wednesday, the children thoroughly enjoyed getting together to play a big game. They showed great sportsmanship and had so much fun whilst playing, so much so, that they did not want to stop for snack.

We are looking forward to lots more festive fun next week.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Clubhouse - Autumn 2 - Week 5

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 12:59pm


And just like that… we are one step closer to Christmas!

Much to the children’s delight, we have started our Christmas crafts early and the week has been filled with lots of Christmassy magic. On Friday, the fun from the Christmas Extravaganza continued into club and the children enjoyed a variety of party games, musical statues was a favourite and the children couldn’t wait to show off all of their amazing dance moves, although, the copious amount of laughs stopped some people from being able to freeze like a statue.

The Hama beads have also continued to be extremely popular this week and the children have showed such resilience when choosing the correct colours to create their designs, a steady hand is definitely a must for this activity.

The children are all looking forward to the coming weeks and the lots of Christmas activities that we have planned. The next few weeks are going to fly by.

Just a polite reminder that Clubhouse is not open on Tuesday 19th December as school finishes at 1pm.

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Clubhouse - Autumn 2 - Week 4

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 11:30am


We can not believe how quickly this half term is going!

As usual, we have had another fun filled week in Clubhouse.

The children were very eager to get the hama beads out this week, although they sometimes found it tricky, as the hama beads were so small, they were able to carefully select the colours they wanted to make their desired design. The children showed great resilience and patience as they improved their fine motor skills and created their shapes.

In preparation for Christmas, we have turned out role play area into a post office, complete with its very own post van. The children were very engaged as they wrote their letters, put them in envelopes, stuck on the stamp and posted them in the letter box. The post office staff then sorted the letters ready for delivery and the post person then delivered the letters in their van. It was loved by children of all ages and encouraged a lot of children to write some of their own letters at home.

Towards the end of the week, some children took part in their own bake off. They got into teams and selected what type of cakes they were going to bake. They then followed the instructions carefully to make their cakes. We have to say; the finished results were all delicious and it was hard to chose any winners.

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Clubhouse - Autumn 2 - Week 3

Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 5:46pm

IMG_8224.JPGWhat another lovely week we have had in Clubhouse!

Kindness filled the air this week in school and Clubhouse! The children loved spreading the ‘chose kind’ message and coming up with different ideas and ways that they could spread fun, kindness and love. They designed their own keyrings to give to people to brighten up their day and even did a spot of baking towards the end of the week. They also took part in a variety of Children in Need activities to help raise awareness. They all did a great job of spreading such a positive, kind message.

On Wednesday, the children asked to go on a ‘bear hunt’ after being inspired by reading the story. They went on a scavenger hunt to find the different materials so that they could act out the story, they then placed them around the room and retold the story as they walked around. Following on from this, the children asked if they could make their own bears. They carefully coloured in the bear design and then cut out the different sections of the bear and stuck them together in the right place.

The table top games have been a big hit again this week, the children have loved getting stuck in to playing games such as Uno, guess who, Connect 4 and chess. It has been lovely to see the older children teaching the younger children how to play the games when they were unsure, they really showed our enjoy value and helped everyone have a great time.

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend, see you next week.


Clubhouse - Autumn 2 - Week 2

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 3:49pm


What another busy week we have had in Clubhouse!

In honour of Remembrance Day, the children decorated their own poppy biscuits. Whilst decorating them we discussed why we celebrate Remembrance Day and about the significance of the history and how the poppy symbols remembrance and hope for a peaceful future.

The children have had an extremely creative week this week, using a range of resources and materials to create their favourite characters from Paw Patrol and Bluey. They carefully selected the different items they might need and manipulated the materials to create the desired look. Everyone was very excited about the firework display on Thursday, so to celebrate, they designed their own bonfire pictures using chalks and different techniques to create their own firework display.  

As the nights are getting darker, we have been doing lots of dancing in club to burn off some energy. The children have loved following the ‘Go Danny!’ videos on the board and the laughter filled the air – the staff had ‘dance like a monkey’ in their heads for the rest of the evening.

After a bit of a move around of our room, our construction area has been extremely busy. Children of all ages worked together to build their own village out of Lego, complete with McDonalds and football pitch. It was lovely to see the joy on all of their faces as their village took shape and they then role played the different Lego characters in the different areas of the village.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Clubhouse - Autumn 2 - Week 1

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 4:12pm


What a great first week back we have had!

It has been lovely welcoming all the children back after the half term break and hearing all about the adventures that they got up to.

Excitement filled the air on Tuesday as the children were extremely excited about Halloween. We got creative and designed our own pumpkins using a variety of resources and materials. The children then created their own midnight animal pictures using the collage materials and paint. On Wednesday, they made some bonfire night pictures using chalk designs, they lit up our room.

The construction area has been a hive of activity this week with the children connecting their learning back to their lessons in school and using the kinnex to construct towers and compare their heights. The children quickly realised that the taller the tower, the weaker it became and they had to rebuild them in order for them to stay standing.

The board games have also been popular this week including monopoly, chess, draughts and snakes and ladders. The children were able to take turns and explain the rules to any children that did not understand.

Our role play area has transformed into a hairdresser and the staff were lucky enough to get treated to some hair styling- we know where to go next time we need our hair doing.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.