Nursery Team: Mrs S Bevin (Class Teacher) & Mrs J Molloy (Class Teacher): Blog items
Date: 8th Jan 2025 @ 11:33am
We hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year, we are full of excitement and looking forward to a fun filled, action packed half term!!! We have also welcomed some new children to our class; who have settled well and are making new friends. The children are going to continue to enjoy the visits to Forest school as well as learning about ‘Winter’ as our themed focus.
Please see our curriculum map for an overview of what the children will be learning this half term.
Our current virtual classroom has been attached again to this blog, which includes links to a variety of quality websites, apps and resources to support the children’s learning.
Reminders for this half term:
- PE will continue on a Monday please can your child come to school wearing trainers on this day only.
- WOW Services – Wednesday 5th February at 2pm in St Peter’s Church – All welcome
- Parent Teacher Meetings – 4th , 5th , 11th and 12th Feb (more information to follow)
- Stay and Play Sessions for New starters - Oct to Jan - 12th and 13th Feb (More information to follow)
- Friday 14th February finish for Half Term
Please see our ‘Spring Diary Dates’ for all school events taking place this term.
Date: 5th Dec 2024 @ 7:44pm
What a fabulous end to an amazing Half term!
- The children enjoyed the story ‘Kipper’s Birthday’, we talked about how we prepare for birthdays and what we do to celebrate birthdays at home. The children spent some time writing party invitations, making cakes from the playdough and even the home corner was set up for a birthday party. The children especially enjoyed it when we created a sweet treat to share together.
Other Highlights include:
- talking about their experiences of watching fireworks and discussing different traditions they may have and enjoyed making firework pictures.
- ‘Remembrance Day’ and why we celebrate it. The children also took part in a 2 minutes silence where they had time to think about and remember all of those who were injured or died at war.
- World Nursery Rhyme week. They enjoyed singing different Nursery Rhymes and then completing various activities linked to them.
- A flurry of Snow, the children had such a wonderful time playing in the snow and exploring the garden area. What a magical time was had!
- Baking mince pies, making cards and decorations for our family.
- Learning about the meaning of Christmas and how it is a time we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. The children also enjoyed attending our Christmas WOW service where they gave another fantastic performance of a couple of their songs from the ‘Sing-a-long’.
Please see or updated virtual classroom attached to this blog if you would like to explore any of the themes we will be exploring after the half term.
We would like to thank you all for your kind wishes, cards and gifts and we wish you and your families a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
- Return to school Monday 6th January 2025
- PE will continue on a Monday please can your child come to school wearing trainers on this day only.
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 4:32pm
We hope you all had an amazing half term break and are ready for the excitement and fun that this next half term has to bring!!! We have also welcomed some new children to our class; who have settled well and making new friends. The children are going to continue to enjoy the visits to Forest school as well as looking forward to the Christmas activities and of course our very special Sing-a-long.
Please see our curriculum map for an overview of what the children will be learning this half term.
Our current virtual classroom has been attached again to this blog, which includes links to a variety of quality websites, apps and resources to support the children’s learning.
Reminders for this half term:
- PE will continue on a Monday please can your child come to school wearing trainers on this day only.
- WOW Services – Wednesday 6th November and Wednesday 11th December at 2pm in St Peter’s Church – All welcome
- Nursery Christmas Sing-A-Long Thursday 12th December 9:15am further information to follow
- Wednesday 18th December finish for Christmas 1pm
Please see our ‘Autumn Diary Dates’ for all school events taking place this half term.
Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 2:33pm
We have had a wonderful start to Nursery, the children have been enjoying exploring all of the exciting activities available to them and getting to know new friends. We are also encouraging and supporting the children with their independence. We are very proud of how well they have settled and the fun they have had. Well done!
- This half term the children have particularly enjoyed Learning all about Harvest and Autumn, they have listened to the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ where they got to taste different types of bread and also bake their own bread roll.
Other highlights include:
- Making a Scarecrow for the Scarecrow festival at St Peter’s Church.
- Forest school where they have learnt about safety around the ‘Fire Circle’ and talked about the different rules and routines. The children learnt how to leave the fire circle safely and also the calling sound used for the children to listen out for when exploring, this indicates a return to the circle.
- Celebrated ‘Dot Day’ the children enjoyed making their own mark using a variety of different media for example paint, crayons, chalk and pencils and were very proud to display their work in our art gallery.
- Sharing Autumn treasures with their friends and talking about the differences happening to the world around them.
- Our Stay and Play sessions, the children have enjoyed showing parents and carers around their classroom and the areas they like to play in.
- Going on our first school trip by visiting the Young Explorers forest group at Laurels wood.
Have a lovely half term break.
Reminders for next half term:
- PE will continue on a Monday please can your child come to school wearing trainers on this day only.
Date: 2nd Sep 2024 @ 5:03pm
Welcome to the Nursery blog for the academic year 2024-2025
Please see our Curriculum Map for an overview of what the children will be learning this half term.
Our virtual classroom can also be found here. The Virtual classroom includes links to a variety of quality websites, apps and resources to support the children's learning.
The Successful Start PowerPoint is also attached. This includes information that all parents should read.
Reminders for this half term:
PE is on a Monday - please ensure children come to school wearing their uniform as usual and their own velcro trainers on this day only
Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 4:01pm
Wow, what a super end to what has been a truly amazing year!!
On Wednesday, we went to St Peter’s Church for our final ‘WOW’ service of the year. The Reception children lead the service, as it is the last time they will attend WOW before they move on to Year 1! The children talked about their memories of Foundation stage and the fantastic memories they have. Thank you, Caroline and Anne for all your hard work over the year; we really do appreciate all your help and support.
Please also find attached our ‘Successful Start’ PowerPoint there you will find any useful information you may need for starting Nursery or moving to Reception in September.
We would like to say we have had a truly amazing year and are incredibly proud of all the children in Nursery. A big thank you also for all your kind gifts and support this year, we hope you enjoy a well-deserved summer break and look forward to seeing everyone in September.
Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team
Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 4:49pm
Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 9:39am
What a fabulous week!
We have enjoyed re-capping phonics sounds already learnt and then learning the new sound ‘c’. For Maths we have enjoyed exploring shape and recapping the similarities and differences between squares and rectangles and exploring the properties of circles and triangles. The children then enjoyed creating pictures using the different shapes.
This week the children enjoyed setting up a hair-dressers, they spent time washing and styling hair for friends and staff alike. There was great fun had and the children have suggested a pamper day, which we will be busy planning over the next few days.
Continuing with our theme ‘Toys’ the children have spent some time exploring old and new toys. The children spent some time exploring old toys and then using their observational skills they enjoyed paining, drawing or collaging their own pictures.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team
Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream
Wednesday 17th July – Final WOW Service of the year – 2pm @ St Peter’s Church
Friday 19th July – School finish for the Summer 1pm
Date: 24th Jun 2024 @ 3:55pm
What a fabulous week we have had, enjoying the sunshine!
It was so lovely this week when we were able to welcome parents to school to watch the children’s sports day! Nursery enjoyed every minute demonstrating their running and jumping skills, we also enjoyed an ice lolly when we returned to class.
We have enjoyed re-capping phonics sounds already learnt and then learning the new sound ‘o’. For Maths we have continued to explore number to 5, we have had to add numbers to five asking ‘How many altogether’ and also ordering numbers to five identifying when there was a number missing and what number this was!
The children who will be moving to Reception in September have begun their transition and spent time in the Reception with their new teacher Miss Dalley. They enjoyed exploring the classroom and spending time with their new teacher.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team
Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream
Wednesday 17th July – Final WOW Service of the year – 2pm @ St Peter’s Church
Friday 19th July – School finish for the Summer 1pm
Date: 18th Jun 2024 @ 2:54pm
What a fabulous week
We enjoyed our WOW service where Caroline talked to the children all about Prayer We were also lucky to have Godly Play this week where Caroline talked to the children all about Prayer some more following on from the WOW service. Thank you for all your hard work and support.
This week, the children have enjoyed practicing for their Sport’s day next week. They have been practicing the following races - Egg and Spoon, Hurdles, Sack and Flat race. We will continue to practice over the next week and are looking forward to Sport’s day next week.
We have enjoyed re-capping phonics sounds already learnt and then learning the new sound ‘g’. For Maths we have enjoyed exploring number to 5, we have had to identify missing numbers on a number track and then also be able to recognise numbers that come ‘before’ a give number.
Our next theme is all about toys and we were very excited when on Tuesday ‘Fuzzy’ the teddy bear left us a secret note and a challenge to find clues around the classroom, when we found all of the pieces and solved the problem we discovered there was a picture with lots of hidden toys that we had to find. We also looked at pictures of toys within the classroom and discussed why we liked the toys and what material the different toys were made from! What a fabulous week and we are looking forward to exploring this theme more over the next few weeks
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team
Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream
Wednesday 26th June – Sports Day
Date: 11th Jun 2024 @ 8:07pm
What another amazing week we have had in Nursery, the weeks really are flying by.
In Forest school this week, the children spent some time remembering our Forest school rules, calling sound and sitting circle. The Children were then set the challenge to make a mud face with water and mud and find different nature items in the Forest School area to add to their mud face
We have enjoyed re-capping phonics sounds already learnt and then learning the new sound ‘p’. For Maths the children have continued to use their counting skills and number tracks to find which number comes after a given number, up to 5. Super counting and problem solving.
We really enjoyed our trip to Windmill Farm where the children spent time exploring the farm and the different animals that lived there. They were able to feed the lambs as well as seeing goats and alpacas. The train ride was a firm favourite for all, as we enjoyed spotting the different animals. What a fabulous day out with lots of fun, laughter and memories made.
We hope all the Dads have a fabulous Father’s day and manage to put their feet up and enjoy the football!
Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team
Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream
Wednesday 19th June – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church
Wednesday 26th June – Sports day
Date: 5th Jun 2024 @ 12:14pm
Welcome back after a fabulous half term, it has been so lovely listening to all of the children’s half term news !
In Forest school this week, the children spent some time remembering our Forest school rules, they then were set a challenge to create their own necklace using leaves and other natural resources they could find. The necklaces looked amazing.
We have enjoyed re-capping phonics sounds already learnt and then learning the new sound ‘n’. For Maths we have enjoyed exploring the number 3 and 4 and the composition of them for example 2 + 1 = 3 also 1 + 2 = 3, 1 + 3 = 4, 2 + 2 = 4 The children then enjoyed exploring dominoes trying to find all of them that had number 3 or 4 on. Why not see if you can spot and numbers 3 or 4 when you are out and about.
For the next two weeks we are going to be learning all about sunflowers, answering questions such as; What do sunflowers look like? Do all sunflowers look the same? Where do sunflowers grow? We have started to look at different images of sunflowers and thought about what we noticed and what we liked about the different images. The children also enjoyed learning all about Vincent Van Gough and his famous art work ‘Sunflowers’, they then spent some time looking closely at the different colours shapes and patterns they could see in different sunflower pictures. The children created their own sunflower pictures that are displayed in our classroom. Some of the children simply enjoyed exploring with different colours and patterns they had noticed! Super work Nursery.
On Friday the children enjoyed taking part in our school ‘Rainbow Day’ the children were treated to Pony rides, bouncy castles and face painting to name a few! What a fabulous time we had.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team
Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream
Tues 11th June - Class Photos
Wed 12th June - Windmill Farm Trip
Thursday 13th June (Nursery Only) - Father’s Day present room
Wednesday 19th June – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church
Date: 15th May 2024 @ 9:58am
What a fun time we have had this week.
On Wednesday we went to our WOW service where Anne talked about the upcoming trip to Uganda. On Thursday we were delighted to see Caroline from Church who had come to school for our Godly Play time. Caroline told the children the story ……….. and talked about ……….. Thank you so much Caroline and Anne.
The children and continuing to amaze us with their phonics knowledge and this week enjoyed learning the sound ‘t’. They have also been exploring 3D shapes for Maths, we particularly enjoyed using the wooden blocks to make bridges using cubes and cuboids as well as spotting cylinders and exploring how they roll and stack.
The children have also spent some time as part of our RSE week talking about families and how all our families are made up of different people, some of the children don’t have any brothers or sisters and some of the children do. We also discussed how there may be different people who live in our house and that this is ok. All families are unique and each family is special. We reminded the children how they are all special and unique, all having different gifts and talents to offer.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team
Friday 24th Mufti Day - Rainbow Raffle Items
Term Ends - Friday 24th May
Date: 8th May 2024 @ 12:00pm
The children and continuing to amaze us with their phonics knowledge and this week enjoyed learning the sound ‘d’. They have also been exploring 2D shapes rectangles, triangles and circles. Why not see what shapes you can see in the environment if you are out for a walk?
The children are still enjoying our theme ‘Under the Sea’, we have enjoyed singing the song ‘I have a little Turtle’ and learning the actions that go with it. Why don’t you ask if your child can sing it for you? We loved learning about Turtles, we found out that they like to live most of their life underwater but do need to pop up for air to help them breathe. We also found out that the turtles lay their eggs in the sand and when hatched the turtles have to scurry to the sea. We then enjoyed making our own turtle from a paper plate.
We have also enjoyed exploring and learning about Snails – we have enjoyed them inside the classroom holding then and exploring their different features.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team
WOW Service 15th May at 2pm St Peter’s Church
Friday 24th Mufti Day - Rainbow Raffle Items
Term Ends - Friday 24th May
Date: 22nd Apr 2024 @ 4:37pm
The children enjoyed celebrating ‘Earth Day’, they listened to the story ’10 things I can do to help my world’. They then collected litter from around the school grounds and we discussed ways we can help our environment.
We have also continued to enjoy exploring our theme ‘Under the Sea’, we listened to the story ‘Commotion in the Ocean’. We loved listening to all of the rhyming words and discussing all of the different creatures that live in the sea. We have also enjoyed looking at a variety of objects around the classroom and deciding if they will sink or float? We were surprised to notice that just because an object is big it does not mean it will sink!
Our Catterpillars are now in their Cocoons / Crysalis and we are patiently waiting to see what happens next.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team
Friday 24th May – Break up for half term.
Monday 3rd June – Return to Nursery.
Date: 17th Apr 2024 @ 12:57pm
Welcome back to our first week of the summer term and we hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
This week we have loved being back with our friends having lots of fun! We have also enjoyed starting our new theme ‘Under the Sea’ we began by discussing what the children thought lived under the sea and how they know these things. The children have also enjoyed making hand-print crabs in our creative area.
They also enjoyed talking about their experiences of going to the beach and paddling in the sea. The children particularly enjoyed using blue, green and white paint to explore the different colours they could make, this will be the fabulous back ground for our under the sea display.
The children have also enjoyed running laps of the big field as part of our ‘Mini Marathon’ event.
We hope the sun shines over the weekend!
Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team
26th April – Mufti Day – Donations for Uganda
Date: 25th Mar 2024 @ 10:19am
We cannot believe we are finishing for the Easter holidays, we have had the best time this term learning new things and most of all having fun with all our friends!
On Wednesday it was our Easter Bonnet and WOW service. The children paraded to Church wearing their bonnets and enjoyed singing songs to their family and friends. Anne and Caroline also told the Easter story. Thank you both for your hard work.
We continued our learning all about Easter back at Nursery. The children enjoyed listening to the Easter story and talking about how they celebrate Easter at home. The children also learnt all about the significance of Hot cross buns, we talked about how the bun signifies the end of Lent and that the cross is to signify Jesus died on a cross. The children enjoyed tasting hot cross buns and singing along to the song ‘Hot Cross Buns’.
On Thursday morning the children were shocked to find two Easter Bunnies in our outdoor area, they played in the sand pit, climbed on the pirate ship and even rode on the bikes. They did leave behind a yummy Easter bunny for all of the children in Foundation Stage.
Please see or updated virtual classroom attached to this blog if you would like to explore any of the themes we will be exploring after the half term.
We wish you all a restful and enjoyable Easter. We can’t wait to see what the Summer term brings.
Well done Nursery!
Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team
Monday 15th April – Return to Nursery
Date: 20th Mar 2024 @ 5:13pm
Well done Nursery another busy week!
This week the children enjoyed their ‘Godly Play’ session with Caroline. She talked to the children about Holy week and the meaning of Easter and they listened to the Easter story. A big thank you to Caroline for all you do and the children have thoroughly enjoyed you visiting. We are all very much looking forward to our Easter WOW service next week, don’t forget your Easter Bonnets!
We have continued to enjoy learning about Spring and new life, so you can only imagine how excited they were when on Monday three Lambs came to join us in our outdoor area for the day. The children were able to observe and feed them and they listened to two of the children who talked to us all about the lambs that live on their farm. The children have also enjoyed talking about when they have visited a farm and what they saw there. We have also played a game of guess the baby, where the children have had to match the different animals to their babies!
Well done Nursery!
Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team
Wednesday 27th March – FS Easter WOW Service and Easter Bonnet parade at St Peter’s Church at 2pm.
Thursday 28th March – Break up for the Easter holidays 1pm
Monday 15th April – Return to Nursery
Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 5:00pm
Well done Nursery another busy week!
This week we have been celebrating British Science week, the theme for this year is ‘Time’. We began by talking to the children about what time means to them and how do they tell the time. We talked about how time affects every part of our lives, we decided to learn a little more about growing seeds and watching how they grow over time. The children took some time to look at the seeds before we planted them and discussed what the seeds needed to help them grow. What a great time we had planting and now look forward to watching our seeds grow.
As it is Brain Awareness week, we have enjoyed learning all about the brain. We discussed where the brain is located, what we need a brain for and how we keep our brain healthy. We then had lots of fun making a brain headband to remind us of the fascinating facts we have learnt.
We have also started to think abut Spring and new life, the children were interested in animals and their young and particularly animals on a farm. We spent some time discussing the different animals and what they call their young for example cow and calf, sheep and lambs. We are hoping to have a visit from some lambs in a few weeks.
Well done Nursery!
Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team
Wednesday 27th March – FS Easter WOW Service and Easter Bonnet parade at St Peter’s Church at 2pm.
Thursday 28th March – Break up for the Easter holidays 1pm
Monday 15th April – Return to Nursery
Date: 5th Mar 2024 @ 11:05am
Oh, what a fabulous time we are having in Nursery!
We are continuing to thoroughly enjoy our Forest school, this week we enjoyed a little bit of free time to explore outdoor area. The children quickly noticed how a lot of new flowers had started to grow and were particularly interested in the feel of the bark the trees and how it all felt different, the children were able to use some great language to describe how the tree bark felt.
We have also spent some time talking about Mother’s Day and the special women in our lives linked to ‘International Women’s day’. The children spent some time talking about why they love the special women in their life and why we celebrate Mother’s Day. We hope you all have a fabulous day on Sunday and spend some time relaxing!
Thursday was World Book Day; the children looked fantastic in their costumes - well done everyone! The children were treated to a performance of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ from the Nursery team, the children really enjoyed Trinity theatre and having snack while watching the show. The children also took part in a catwalk where they got the chance to show off their costume to friends and talk about their favourite book. What a fabulous day!
Well done Nursery!
Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team
Wednesday 27th March – FS Easter WOW Service and Easter Bonnet parade at St Peter’s Church at 2pm.
Thursday 28th March – Break up for the Easter holidays
Monday 15th April – Return to Nursery
Date: 28th Feb 2024 @ 5:25pm
Ahaargh me hearties! What a swashbuckling week we have had!
On Wednesday we went to Church for our WOW service where we celebrated ‘Mother’s Day’. The children have really enjoyed learning the different songs that they performed for the special people in their lives and Caroline spoke about why Mother’s Day is celebrated in Church. Thank you all for coming and we hope you enjoyed it.
We have continued to learn all about Pirates and spent the week looking at Pirate ships and the different features of them. We also looked at pictures of different boats such as a ferry, sailing boat, canoe. Spending time discussing, what is the same and different about the boats. The children then used the junk modelling to make their own boats and then using the water tray explored whether they would float or not.
On Tuesday we were very excited as it was our Pirate day we took part in lots of different Pirate themed activities such as walking the plank, scrubbing the decks, our pirate fitness challenge getting to skull island, mastering and handling our sword and finally our treasure hunt looking for gold coins that we could eat!!
Well done Nursery!
Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team
As of Wednesday 4th March – PE will be on a Wednesday please ensure the children are wearing Velcro trainers.
Wednesday 6th March – Mother’s Day Present Room
Thursday 7th March – World Book Day
Date: 20th Feb 2024 @ 8:27pm
We hope you had a fabulous half term and are excited for the half term ahead.
We began the week by going to Forest school, we spent some time talking about the changes in our environment and how did we know it was nearly spring? The children enjoyed exploring the area around then to spot signs of spring, we saw Daffodils snowdrops and crocus. If you are out on a walk why don’t you see what other signs of spring you can see?
On Tuesday we were very excited to find a treasure map with some clues. After following the clues and finding all of the pieces we finally found a treasure box chest with a story book ‘Pirates are Coming’. The children loved listening to the story and then spent some time later in the week discussing what they knew about Pirates and also looking at and talking about their own treasure boxes.
This week we have also been learning all about ‘Dental Health’ we talked about our experiences of visiting the dentist and why it is important to look after our teeth. On Wednesday were lucky to have a visit from a local dental practice, they talked all about how to keep our teeth clean, gave us some facts about our teeth and what foods are good for our teeth and ones we should avoid or have a little at a time. We also took part in a colouring competition and four of our friends won prizes for their pictures. We all took home a goody bag for us to use at home this included a toothbrush, timer, disclosing tablet, toothbrushing chart, book and stickers!
Well done Nursery!
Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team
Tuesday 27th February – Pirate Day
Wednesday 28th February WOW Service at St Peter’s Church – Celebrating Mother’s Day
Wednesday 6th March – Mother’s Day Present Room
Thursday 7th March – World Book Day
Date: 7th Feb 2024 @ 12:43pm
Wow, half term really has come around quickly. A big well done to Nursery you truly are super stars, we hope you enjoy the break and see you after half term!
We have enjoyed learning all about ‘Chinese New Year’ or ‘Lunar New Year’. The children have spent time listening to stories and comparing it to how they spent New Year. The children took part in food tasting and dragon dancing which they loved.
On Tuesday the children celebrated ‘Safer Internet Day’, they were thrilled to welcome the Digital leaders who have worked hard learning a special presentation for our class. We then talked about who we should tell if there was something that upset us on the internet and it’s good to talk about it.
Ahead of Valentine’s day next week the children enjoyed listening to the story ‘Guess how Much I love you’. They have created love bug biscuits using Oreo’s and made a special picture using their handprints to send to those they love. What a lovely way to end the week.
Please see or updated virtual classroom attached to this blog if you would like to explore any of the themes we will be exploring after the half term.
Well done Nursery!
Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team
Monday 19th February – Back to School
Wednesday 28th February WOW Service at St Peter’s Church – Celebrating Mother’s Day
Wednesday 6th March – Team TSP Mother’s Day Present Room
Thursday 7th March – World Book Day
Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 8:41pm
We have had the most amazing time this week, well done Nursery!
On Monday, the children hunted for the 4 pieces of a jigsaw in the classroom that led to the clues of a favourite book by Julia Donaldson ‘The Gruffalo’. We then retold the story of the Gruffalo using the characters, using repetitive phrases and language from the book. What great storytellers we had!
The children have continued to retell the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ using the story tuff tray. The children have enjoyed our Gruffalo themed areas, making Gruffalo crumble, painting and making the characters from the Gruffalo. The children took part in the Gruffalo themed PE, we made sure we jumped with bent knees like the Gruffalo, moved quick like the mouse, high like the owl, quiet like the snake and far like the fox!
Well done Nursery!
We simply can’t believe that is nearly half term, have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team
Wed 7th February – Parent Teacher Meetings in the school hall
Friday 9th February – Finish for half term
Monday 19th February – Back to School
Date: 24th Jan 2024 @ 1:24pm
Well done Nursery, what a super week we have had!
Continuing with our theme ‘Winter’, there was a particular interest in Penguins so we have enjoyed learning a little more about them. We also enjoyed the story ‘Blue Penguin’ and then the next day we found Blue Penguin had left our very own eggs to look after. The children had to build nests, practice balancing the eggs on their feet and waddle around like a Penguin. We also waddled like a penguin to lunch (which was incredibly funny) and took part in a penguin themed yoga session. The children also created some fabulous paintings and drawings of penguins.
Please can you ensure your child has a warm coat, hat, gloves and a FULL change of clothes including underwear and socks in school at all times and that it is clearly labelled with their name, thank you
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team
Wednesday 31st January and 7th February - Parent Teacher Meetings in the School Hall
Friday 9th February – Finish for half term
Monday 19th February – Return to school