Year 4 Team: Miss S McVey (Class Teacher), : Blog items
Date: 25th Feb 2025 @ 12:03pm
We are very excited to be back for the second half of our Spring Term.
Please see our curriculum map for an overview of what the children will be learning this half-term.
Our virtual classroom has been attached again to this blog, which includes links to a variety of quality websites, apps and resources to support the children’s learning.
Reminders for this half term:
- Spellings will be posted on Google Classroom every Friday and tested in class the following Friday.
- PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Year 4 have now commenced Clarinet lessons. Clarinets should be returned to school every Monday ready for the lesson.
- Year 4 Multiplication Check Parent Briefing will be held in the Year 4 classroom on Tuesday 11th March at 3.30pm.
- Year 4 will be going on their trip to Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 12th March.
Thank you!
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 8:14pm
It has been a fantastic term in Year 4! So many memories and fantastic learning opportunities came our way. Here are a few of our highlights:
- We had the most amazing Tennis lessons with the Liverpool Sports Development Team
- With the fantastic Mrs Whitehead, we have started to cheoreograph our own dance piece to Revolting Children from the Matilda film. We cannot wait to continue with this next term!
- The story 'Escape from Pompeii' had us all intrigued to learn more about volcanoes and inspired our fantastic letter writing.
- Eruptions filled our page, as we illustrated volcanoes in our Author Books to accompany our writing.
- In Maths, we have learnt how to support our calculations with formal written methods and understand the steps needed to find the perimeter of a shape.
- Every Tuesday, we continue to sng our hearts out with Mr Gordon from Liverpool Cathedral.
- Our creativity was called upon by Laurel's Wood to help them design a new forest school area in their grounds. From mud slides to archery, we gave so much inspiration that we cannot wait to see brought to life.
- Electricity was our focus in Science and we have loved learning how to connect electrical components to make simple series circuits.
Our Virtual Classroom for the Spring 2 term is attached, alongside a wealth of resources on our class Google Classroom, should you wish to complete any additional home learning over the festive break.
Reminders for next term:
- PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Clarinet lessons will commence. Please see letter sent on School Spider.
- Spellings will continue to be set every Friday on Google Classroom and tested the following Friday.
- Year 4 Cathedral Trip - Wednesday 12th March. Please see letter sent on School Spider.
Have a wonderful half-term!
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:53am
A Happy New Year to you all! It has been a delight to welcome Year 4 back into the classroom this week and we sure have had kicked things off with a bang!
Please see our Y4 curriculum map for an overview of what the children will be learning this half-term.
Our current virtual classroom has been attached again to this blog, which includes links to a variety of quality websites, apps and resources to support the children’s learning.
Upcoming Y4 events:
- Parent Teacher Meetings – 4th , 5th , 11th, 12th Feb (more information to follow)
- Friday 14th February finish for Half Term
Please see our ‘Spring Diary Dates’ for all school events taking place this term.
General Reminders for this half-term:
- Spellings continue to be written into spelling log books every Wednesday to be learnt at home. Log books should be returned to school each week for the children to record their new spellings to learn.
- Children who are reading on the school's reading book bands should ensure their book is read and returned to school on their reading day.
- PE lessons are Tuesday and Friday with the addition of a session with LFC every Thursday this term. Therefore, children should wear PE kit to school on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
- A small, healthy snack should be brought to school if needed.
Thank you!
Date: 10th Dec 2024 @ 9:05am
Christmas is nearly here and the New Year will soon be upon us. It might be time to part ways for now, but we look forward to the incredible learning and memorable experiences we will share together in the year to come in Year 4.
What a better way to end the term than with a celebration of our amazing Christmas Service performance. We are so proud of each and every one of you. You were truly remarkable and gave TSP the best Christmas send-off possible.
Other highlights we have taken from this term include:
- Watching the incredible Team TSP Firework event
- Completing the Santa Dash
- Having lots of fun and games at the Christmas Extravaganza
- Having a suprise visit from Santa and even his elves!
- Our fantastic and extremely memorable adventures at Laurel's Wood
- Filming for our Kindness Video and carrying out our Kindness Week project, giving back to those less fortunate children in our community in support of Children in Need
- Reading and writing about the adventures of Leon in the place between and connecting the story with our own experiences of the circus
- Exploring the legacy the Romans left and Boudicca's revolt
- Learning all about the digestive system and the different functions of our teeth
- Mastering our times tables through song, pattern spotting and games
- Understanding the importance of Road Safety and who our safety heroes are!
A huge thank you from all in Year 4 for the gifts and well wishes sent our way, we are truly grateful!
Our Virtual Classroom for the Spring term is attached, alongside a wealth of resources on our class Google Classroom, should you wish to complete any additional home learning over the festive break.
It has been a delight to count down to Christmas with you all, Year 4. You have made December such a magical experience for us all and we cannot wait to welcome you all back in January. From us all here in Year 4, we wish you a very happy Christmas and a safe and enjoyable festive period. Keep shining like the stars that you are! See you in 2024!
Reminders for next term:
- PE days are Tuesday and Friday with the addition of Tursday for this term due to LFC coming in to deliver a session each week. PE kits to be worn Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
- No Music lessons take place this term. Recorder lessons have now finished for the year.
- Spellings will continue to be logged every Wednesday and recapped during our speed spell quiz the following Monday
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 10:31am
Welcome back!
It has been a delight to hear all the stories from the children's October break and we are now looking forward to our ‘Autumn 2’ half-term. The fetsive countdown is well and truly with us!
Please see our Y4 curriculum map for an overview of what the children will be learning this half-term.
Our current virtual classroom has been attached again to this blog, which includes links to a variety of quality websites, apps and resources to support the children’s learning.
Upcoming Y4 events:
- 15/11 - Year 4 donations to Barnardos in support of Children in Need
- 27/11 - Tax Workshop (in school)
- 20/11 - Last swimming lesson
- 29/11 - Laurel's Wood Trip
Please see our ‘Autumn Diary Dates’ for all school events taking place this half-term.
General Reminders for this half-term:
- Spellings continue to be written into spelling log books every Wednesday to be learnt at home. Log books should be returned to school each week for the children to record their new spellings to learn.
- Recorder lessons continue every Monday afternoon.
- PE lessons are continuing on a Tuesday and Wednesday (swimming). Our last swimming lesson is 20th November and following this, our PE days change to Tuesday and Friday. Please remember that children should not be wearing designer branded PE items of clothing and shorts should be of an appropriate length;
- A small, healthy snack should be brought to school if needed.
Thank you!
Date: 21st Oct 2024 @ 2:42pm
They say time flies when you are having fun and hasn’t it done just that! It has come to the end of the Autumn 1 term in Year 4 and we are full of memories from the amazing learning opportunties we have had this term.
Take a look at some of our highlights from the term:
- Hello Yellow Day helped us to share positivity to one and other.
- The Dogs Trust educated us on how to care for our pets safely at home.
- We filled out Author Book with the most amazing piece of story writing inspired by the story 'Gorilla'.
- Our fitness has hugely developed through the completion of our weekly fitness tests.
- We have made a splash in the pool in our Swimming lessons!
- Learning about the importance of print and shading in Art.
- In Science, we discovered how to group and classify living things.
- The USA has been in our sights in Geography, as we travelled across the 50 states.
- We took a stunning Autumn walk to the village, taking in the delights this beautiful seasons provides.
- Liverpool Cathedral have continued to enlighten us with the wonders of song each Tuesday morning.
The Year 4 Virtual Classroom is also attached with a wealth of links and our Autumn 2 term English read to keep the children busy at home, should they wish to carry out any additional home learning.
- A reminder that every Wednesday, Year 4 will log the spellings they personally feel they need to work on following our spelling lessons so far that week. If your child has not got their blue RWI spelling log book from Year 3, they have been provided with a red book to record their spellings in. Log books then go home on Wednesday for the children to spend the rest of the week learning the words they have selected to focus on. Log books should then be returned to school the following week, ready to record new spellings to focus on.
- PE lessons will continue on a Tuesday and Wednesday (swimming) next half-term.
- A small, healthy snack should be brought to school if needed.
- Recorders will continue every Monday. Children should continue to bring their recorder to school for their lesson.
Date: 2nd Sep 2024 @ 3:12pm
Welcome to the Year 4 blog for the academic year 2024 – 2025.
Please see our curriculum map ( for an overview of what the children will be learning this half term.
Our virtual classroom can also be found attached below. The virtual classroom includes links to a variety of quality websites, apps and resources to support the children’s learning.
The Successful Start PowerPoint is also attached. This includes information that all parents should read.
Reminders for this half term:
- Year 4 PE Lessons will commence next week. Year 4 should arrive to school in their PE kit on Tuesday and Wednesday (Swimming).
- Year 4 will commence Swimming Lessons on Wednesday 11th September.
- Recorder lessons will commence on Monday 9th September and take place every Monday afternoon.
- Year 4 are now logged into their new Google Classroom. The class code is lubewau. Please email the email account if you are having difficulty accessing your child's Google Classroom.
- Please ensure that your child brings in a school book bag instead of rucksacks where possible, this is to ensure that they fit inside their lockers.
Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 11:23am
Just a quick message to say a big thank you!
The joy and sheer love for learning Year 4 have brought to the classroom has been admirable. The memories we have made together and the laughter we have had along the way will be cherished by us all.
Thank you to all the fantastic parents/careers who have supported us all this year. Your kind words of support and encouragement really have not gone unmissed.
We thank you so much for all your thoughtful gifts and well wishes for the new year. We look forward to watching you all continue to grow as you head into Year 5.
To support the children's transition into Year 5, please find attached a successful start powerpoint which outlines key information for Year 5's September start.
Love and big hugs from all in Year 4.
Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 7:39am
As our penultimate week comes to an end, we look back on some highlights from the week.
In recognition of our Collective Worship value, we outlined the responsibilities we will grow into as we ger older and those responsibilities we will need to take on to stay safe and healthy. In RE, we reflected on all our learning this half term and concluded with a prayer to summarise our wishes and hopes for the summer break.
In English, we were inspired by Neil Gaiman’s instruction writing that navigated a journey around his Fairyland Forest. We decided to design our own enchanted woods and use command sentences to instruct our reader on the path they should take to safely venture around of mysterious lands.
Using maps, compasses and directional language, we discovered the main attractions located around St. James Park in London and used the grid references to outline where they were located. We then moved onto listening to given directions in order to draw a given image on a grid in the right location, correctly identifying whether the image should go above, below, to the left or right on the gird.
After visiting the boardroom to pitch our unique biscuit designs, our recipe was finalised and our new biscuit creations were made. Fantastically named, our Chocmellow Delights were not only tasty but looked delightful too!
We are so grateful to the wonderful Liverpool Cathedral for the incredible singing sessions they have delivered over the year. We have learnt so many joyful and meaningful songs that we had the pleasure of performing to our parents this week. We look forward to working with Mr Gordon again in September and hope our parents enjoyed the show as much as we did!
The children recently enjoyed a visit from Josh from Formby Library who shared all the exciting details about this year's Summer Reading Challenge. There are two ways you can take part in the Summer Reading Challenge:- You can join at Formby Library and take part in person. The librarian will give you a collector folder, stickers, and other special rewards, and help you find books to read.
- Or, take part online by signing up here. Set a reading goal and log your books on your profile. When you reach your goal, you will unlock a virtual badge and certificate. Link:
We are looking forward to spending one last week together… even if we will shed a tear or two as we say our goodbyes! See you Monday, Year 4!
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 10:21am
It has been as busy as ever in Year 4 and we are certainly making the most of our time together before the Summer Break.
In order to understand our new monthly value of responsibility, we recorded all of the responsibilities we hold both in school and at home. We connected our statements to forma chain and recognised that if we don’t uphold our responsibilities, this chain will break.
After receiving a letter from a curious caver, we set to the task of researching facts to form a reply to the many questions the caver has asked. He claimed he had tripped on a stalactite, but we know that can’t be possible as they are located on the cave ceilings!? But don’t worry, we explained in full detail that this couldn’t have been the case and in fact, it may have been a stalagmite he tripped on.
In Maths, we have been collecting data and representing the data on a bar and line graph. We have considered the increments the graph scale should go up in and even used a key to distinguish between two sets of data represented on our graphs.
To continue our focus on sound, we took to the challenge of creating absorbent boxes in Science. After using a diamond 9 to predict which materials would be the most and least absorbent, we selected our top 3 and took to sound proofing our boxes.
Have a brilliant weekend, Year 4. See you on Monday!
Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 12:03pm
So much fun and games this week as we celebrated Sports Day!
To kick start the week, we considered how religions carry out their prayer. After identifying that prayer mats are used inside mosques, we considered what our prayer mat might look like using symbols and colours special to us.
We have continued to be inspired by the story ‘Blue John’ when writing and have loved delving into the four chapters we have read so far. We considered what we might see and hear if we were the child dancing in the cavern with Blue John and incorporated the use of similes to describe what our senses would experience. Later, we moved on to creating an explanation text to outline how Blue John was created using Geographical vocabulary associated with the aspects of a cave.
In Maths, we recognised the difference between quadrilaterals identifying what parallel lines and the name of 3D shapes. We focused on how many faces and edges 3D shapes have before moving on to look at interrupting pictograms.
We also enjoyed a visit to the Scholastic Book Fair this week and were delighted to find some fantastic reads to go back and purchase.
What a fantastic Sports Day full of laughter and smiles! Thank you to everyone who attended and made it a day to remember. We truly had the best time racing and the joy on our faces was clear to see.
Of course, another highlight was our return visit to Laurel’s Wood. We were delighted to return and learn more outdoor skills whilst putting those we learnt last time to good use. We were thrilled to be able to build different types of dens and even toast marshmallows on a fire!
Have a lovely weekend, Year 4!
Date: 19th Jun 2024 @ 11:53am
A week full of memory making and learning highlights in Year 4!
‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ is one of the most famous fables and we loved revisiting the story this week to think deeper about our understanding of our Collective Worship value, Truthfulness. In RE, we reflected on times when we engage in prayer and the time it gives us to truly reflect and take a minute to ourselves. We discussed the places and times other religions pray, taking a closer look at prayer mats and the symbols we would include on our own mats.
In English, we continue with our story, ‘Blue John’. Before we started reading the new chapter, we explored our new STAR vocabulary, using our dictionaries to define the words and creating a glossary for future reference. We connected our learning with Geography, discovering new terms such as stalagmites and stalactites. Using Hot Seating, we explored the thoughts and feelings on the Queen of Darkness and used fronted adverbials to create sentences about her actions towards Blue John. Our learning then progressed to spotting features in explanation texts and justifying when a new paragraph should be used.
In Maths, we identified different sizes of angles recognising those that are obtuse, acute and right angles. We compared angle sizes in different shapes before identifying angles as turns.
To kick start our DT project, we conducted some product research with biscuit testing! After analysing the appearance and packaging of different biscuits, it was time to sample their taste and texture. We look forward to designing our own recipes and packaging for our own biscuit designs.
To celebrate National School Sport Week, our Sports Ambassadors devised a plan to set up different sporting activities on the playground for us to enjoy at breaktimes this week. From dodgeball to tennis, we spent our breaktimes playing with friends, developing our skills and enjoying time taking part in team games. We are thrilled to have been given the opportunity to grow in confidence and take part in sports we might not normally play.
The countdown is now on to Sports Day and we are looking forward to inviting our loved ones to come and watch us race next week! Have a great weekend, Year 4.
Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 10:53am
This week has flown by! It must be all the excitement leading up to our fantastic Summer term events.
In our RE lesson this week, we unpicked the Lord’s Prayer to comprehend the meaning behind the prayer and the terminology used. We identified that the Lord’s Prayer is a Christian prayer which Jesus taught his disciples to say. The prayer begins by making it clear who people are praying too because Christians believe that God is the Father of everyone.
This week we have carried out lessons to recap our learning and completed assessments to showcase our knowledge. The positivity and passion for learning that fills the room when the children are tasked with showcasing their thinking is incredible to see!
We are delighted to announce that our Multiplication Check is officially over and we couldn’t be prouder of the commitment and dedication the children have shown towards recalling their times tables. What a joy to hear from all of the children that the test ‘Really wasn’t anything to be worried about!’
A happy Father's Day this weekend. We hope you enjoy a weekend of makign memories with your loved ones... and of course watching the football!
A week full of hard work and smiles, Year 4. Thank you for shined brighter than the stars in the universe!
Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 9:39am
The final term is upon us and we are delighted to be spending lots of opportunities learning and having fun in the sunshine.
In RE, we discussed how we have all had opportunities to pray in many different ways, through our school assemblies, time in church and our own reflective time. We explained what prayer means to us and concluded that a prayer is an expression of belief and commitment. Using our handprints, we unpicked using our five fingers, five things we pray for including those who teach us, lead us, those who love us and those who are sick and weak.
With a focus still on Time, we looked at how we convert between analogue and digital time, before exploring how time is recorded in a 24-hour format. We considered those times which occur during the day and times that pass by while we sleep.
Moving on from stories surrounding the wonders of volcanoes, we now delve into the depth of caves and caverns with inspiration from the wonderful book titled ‘Blue John’. The story sees us venturing down into the caves where the Queen of Darkness lives and we follow the adventures of her rare and precious baby, Blue John, who has been created using the blue of a glacier and the gold of the sun. Using the text, we discussed what stalactites are and used similes to describe how they grow. We used aspects of the text to correct the use of past tense and used commands to write a set of instructions.
In PE, we have been working hard to prepare for our up and coming Sports Day. From the egg and spoon race to the sack race, we smiled and laughed throughout as we raced our way to victory against our friends and even mastered a three-legged race. We cannot wait to show our parents and careers the races we have been practising in a couple of weeks
Our History lessons this term all stem around our perspectives of the Vikings and the stereotypes we hold. We generated a range of adjectives and nouns used to describe Vikings and reinforce the chronology of the times of the first Viking raid using a timeline of events. In the role of Saxon spies, we draw from memory, a Viking ship and then posed questions to analyse its features. Next week, we will examine why Vikings have such a bad reputation
On Friday, we attended the TSP Summer Fair. This is by far our most favourite event of the year and we were thrilled to be able to make memories with our friends. From the morning disco, face painting to the bouncy castles and obstacle course. We simply loved it all!
An excellent week and we hope that the sun continues to shine long into the weekend. Enjoy and see you on Monday!
Date: 16th May 2024 @ 10:16am
The end of term is upon us, our spirits are high and we have lots of reasons to feel proud of ourselves this term.
In Collective Worship, we considered all the times we have been courageous by facing your fears and showing strength in the face of adversity. We recognised how courage refers not only to physical courage but also to moral or emotional courage. As a class, we decided that our favourite courageous moment this term was our efforts to face our fears and enter the Bat Cave at Chester Zoo! In RE, we designed notice boards worth of stading outside our local churches. Our notcie boards promoted the special uses a church has, that enable our communities to come together.
We moved onto looking at time in Maths, reminding ourselves of how to read an analogue clock before moving onto converting and comparing different units of time. We identified how often a leap year and discussed how there are approximately 4 weeks in a month, although most months are slightly longer than this.
It was a joy to revisit some of our English books from Year 2 and look back at a piece of poetry we wrote inspired by the Matilda Musical song ‘When I grow up’. From Lamborghinis to flying off to space, our dreams had no limits! We adopted our poems from two years ago and changed the verses to include a more up to date focus on our future hopes and dreams, consider the hopes we have for others too. We used a repetitive pattern and the phrase ‘so that I’ to add justification for our hopes and dreams. Our poems are definitely worthy to be read aloud on the West End Stage!
In Spanish, we learnt the Spanish words associated with the items we use daily in the classroom and the equipment we need to support our learning. We learnt how we can use the phrase ‘Tengo’ to mean ‘I have’ and add the Spanish word for the equipment in front of us to finish the phase to explain to someone the things we have in our pencil class. Our focus turned to considering whether to use ‘un’ or ‘una’ and how ‘mi’ should be used if we are talking about an item that is mine.
Please see or updated virtual classroom attached to this blog if you would like to explore any of the themes we will be exploring after the half term.
Have a restful Half Term, Year 4!
Date: 16th May 2024 @ 9:59am
Another great week in Year 4!
It was time to get crafty in RE and design our very own churches. Taking a step by step approach to outline the church building, we then added the finer details to show our awareness of the features in a church. Our churches came to life with the addition of stain glasses windows, created using coloured tissue paper to make our desired effect.
Excitement filled the classroom as our preparations and research projects for Chester Zoo got underway. After analysing virtual information boards around the zoo, we created our own information board bursting with factual information about the rainforest and the wildlife that might be found inside it. We selected our own catchy headings, pictures, 3 second summary and sub-headings to support the factual information we recorder to share with the reader. We recognised the importance of making the information board engaging to read and discussed how the use of questions, alliteration and both headings and sub-headings can contribute towards this.
As we draw closer to carrying out our Multiplication Check, we are focusing on the tricky times tables that require a few tricks and tips to help us master. Learning through songs, games and number lines are all strategies we are finding help us grasp the trickier facts we need to recall. We have also been confirming our understanding of converting pence to pounds, finding change and solving money problems by combining and sharing amounts of money.
What a day we had on Friday! If the coach trip itself wasn’t exciting enough, our smiles filled the zoo as we watched the elephants showering, tigers roaring and penguins gliding. We headed off to explore different enclosures, spoke to many of the Zoo Keepers and ventured through their very own rainforest. To conclude the day, we mustered up the courage to enter the free flying bat cave.
Date: 9th May 2024 @ 9:26am
A short, yet productive, week for us in Year 4!
Thinking about the colours we spotted when visiting St. Peter’s church last week, we reflected on why these particular colours are used within the church and the meaning behind them. After exploring what each colour signifies, we connected the colours to events in the Christian calendar such as Advent, Lent and Easter and identified the colour we would associated with each event or celebration.
In Maths, we compared amounts of money and recognised the notes or coins needed to make an amount greater than or less than a given amount. Using our understanding of rounding, we focused on recognising the nearest pound our amounts were closest to and visited the Year 4 TSP Sweet Shop again to check the change was correct when we purchased an item.
After reminding ourselves of the key features of a non-chronological report, we turned our attention to a group of cute Sloths and researched factual information we could use in our very own non-chronological report. Our facts were then grouped into paragraphs, as we allocated a suitable sub-heading to each paragraph, thought of a catching heading and added pictures to match our facts.
We were thrilled to have been given the opportunity to have a Skateboarding lesson on Thursday! With our helmets and knee pads on, we used our balance and coordination skills to not only control the movement of the skateboard but keep ourselves balanced when taking our feet off the ground.
Have a wonderful weekend, Year 4.
Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 9:56am
Another great week here in Year 4!
To connect out learning with a church within our community, we visited St. Peter’s church to identify the common features found inside churches and learnt about their importance to the Christianity religion. Reflecting on our Collective Worship value of perseverance, we set ourselves a goal for the day, week or term and mapped out the steps we would take to ensure we reached our goal.
After reminding ourselves of the key features of a non-chronological report, we identified the heading and factual information about the amazing Amazon rainforest. We were challenged to create a 3 second summary to explain what the page described and create our own sub-headings, for the numbered paragraphs. With so many words ending in the ‘ous’ spelling, we reminded ourselves of the spelling rule when using this ending changing words such as danger and poison into dangerous and poisonous.
Continuing our focus on decimals, we used number lines to round a given decimal to the nearest whole number and ordered decimals from the smallest to largest, also making use of our greater than and less than signs. We then moved on to recognised a half and a quarter as a fraction and its equivalent decimal.
Have wonderful Bank Holiday weekend!
Date: 16th Apr 2024 @ 11:34am
What a fantastic first week back we have had! It was so lovely to see all the children back and enjoying spending time with their friends, excited to hear all about the new things we will be learning this term.
This term, our focus turns to looking at different churches in RE and considering if all churches are the same. Through research, we discovered this week that not all church buildings look the same from the outside but some have similar features according to denomination. We also used religious vocabulary to names features of a church we already knew from visiting St Peter’s and Holy Trinity Church.
We have continued to develop our knowledge of decimals in Maths. We now understand that when dividing, numbers can be shifted into the tenths and hundredths and we must show this by using a zero and decimal place before the number. We also recognised how to make a whole using tenths and hundreds. Next week, we will identify the fractions for a half, quarter and three quarters, we identified the correlating decimal and rounded decimals to the nearest whole.
Our new focus book ‘Where the Forest Meets the Sea’ by Jeannie Baker connects to our Geography and Art topics this term and is full of beautiful illustrates to showcase the wonders of a rainforest. We have explored the sounds associated with a rainforest and used descriptive language to outline what our senses could see and hear. Later, we took sentences from the book and changed the pronouns to ensure there was a varying range of pronouns used. Next week, we will be creating our own glossary of words in the book to unpick STAR vocabulary and consider the use of tense when describing the rainforest tin the past, present and future.
The classroom filled with excitement and determination to achieve a BINGO this week, as we explored a range of books from our reading corner in order to find different criteria on our bingo cards and to discover an interesting read to start the term.
In Geography, we focused on identifying the location of rainforests on a world map. We first identified the line of the equator and learnt that the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn are located above and below the equator line and it is within this zone that the rainforests are located. Our Science topic surrounding living things started with the use of classification charts, as we classified living things by considering which of the statements we could agree were associated with each plant or animal.
Using the artist Henri Rousseau as inspiration, we explored his famous painting ‘Tiger in a tropical storm’ and discussed the techniques used in the image. With our sights set on making the animals in the forest scene ‘pop’, we made our colour choices and began making the parrots drawn in our forest scenes stand out amongst the over growth. In PE, we began to take on the sport of Baseball, learning what the game entails and the names of the bases, key players and batting style we need to use.
With 13 laps to complete over the course of the week, we took to the field each day to complete laps in support of the London Mini Marathon. Whether we chose to run, walk, skip and jog, we ensured we motivated each other to cross the line and never give up.
If you would like to complete extra Maths practise at home, please use this link to access free workbooks covering topics from our Maths learning this year:
It has been so lovely to have you back, Year 4! Have a restful weekend.
Date: 25th Mar 2024 @ 10:32am
We the end of the Spring Term upon us, we spent some time reflecting on our fantastic achievements and our goings on this week.
This term, we have been working hard to consolidate our knowledges of our times tables ahead of the Year 4 Multiplication Check. We have found that we learn our times tables best through games such as Battle Ships, Monopoly and Top Trumps. We also found a great resource which enabled us to make times tables fortune tellers which meant we could continue to practise our times tables at break times and through the school day.
We have thoroughly enjoyed reading the story ‘When the Giant Stirred’ and took pride in immersing our own characters into the story this week. Applying our knowledge of fronted adverbials, dialogue and expressive language, we showcased our learning this term by re-writing the story with our own character in mind.
On Thursday morning the children were shocked to the Easter Bunny hopping around school. We had a fun time dancing along with the bunny and spreading some Easter cheer.
What a wonderful way to end the term by taking part in our Easter Service led by the fantastic Year 3 children. It was amazing to watch their performance and see their incredible acting and singing come to life. We did a great job supporting Year 3 with the lovely songs in our service and celebrating this wonderful time of the year.
Please find our updated virtual classroom attached to this blog to support optional Home Learning over the Easter holiday.
What an amazing term we have had, Year 4. Go make some incredible memories with your family and friends this Easter and we look forward to seeing you back on Monday 15th April. Best wishes from us all x
- School commences on Monday 15th April.
- Clarinet lessons continue in the Summer term.
- Year 4 PE lessons remain on Wednesday and Friday each week.
Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 10:30am
As the half term draws closer, let us take a look at some of this week’s highlights…
Coming to the end of our RE topic, we summarised the key Christian values of trust and forgiveness making the connection that Christians believe that they can trust Jesus. We recalled the events of Holy Week and Easter, before remembering incidents of betrayal in the Easter story, through the actions of Judas and in movies we like to watch.
It was time to start our story writing in English, to create our own versions of our focus text ‘When the Giant Stirred’. We began by planning the opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending to our stories and noting any dialogue we would expect our characters to have in each part of our story. We ensured we thought about the possible fronted adverbials we could use to help set the scene or time of day events were taking place and how we could use a range of nouns to make our writing more exciting to read. Each day, we ensured we wrote a chunk of our story to form a paragraph so our stories went on a slow and steady, yet detailed journey, from start to end.
This week in Maths, we have explored how to find fractions of given quantities or amounts using bar models to help us understand how many parts the number is split into and what amount is within each part. We then identified tenths on a place value chart and began to understand tenths as a decimal and fraction, noting the jump on the place value chart when we divide a one-digit number by 10 or 100.
Within our Guided Reading story ‘Ariki and the Island of Wonders’, Ariki is a young girl bored with her interminable lessons on waves and constellations. We were shocked by Ariki’s feelings towards learning about constellations, as we find them pretty cool.
We continue to shine in Mrs McArdle’s clarinet lessons! We now understand how to construct our clarinets and are building speed in doing so, the sounds we are producing are becoming more of a perfected tone and we are even incorporating a range of notes by moving our finger position on the instrument. Our History lessons have also been packed full of evidence hunting, as we focused on the push and pull factors that show reasoning for Saxon settlement and we uncovered the mystery of the empty grave in Sutton Hoo. This week we delved deeper into the story of how Christianity to Britain and it took about 70 years for English kings to give up pagan ways and become Christian.
There was only one way to end the week… with an Easter Egg Hunt! On the sound of the horn, we set off finding tokens around the school to exchange for an Easter treat!
Before we take on the last week, Year 4, have a wonderful weekend!
Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 9:10am
A week of reflecting about the power of the brain this week in Year 4 and reminding ourselves just how creative and critical we can be.
In RE, we focused on Peter’s denial and Jesus’ forgiveness. We questioned why Peter betrayed Jesus and the denial he showed in the courtyard. We the importance of forgiving others and why Jesus encourages forgiveness too.
Focusing on the thoughts, feelings and dialogue one of the villagers may be experiencing in our story, we created a Bridge map with the support of some fantastic villagers in our classroom room, roleplaying the role to support our writing. We deduced from a given text different spelling, punctuation and grammar elements that should be present in our writing and looked at the power of using different nouns/noun phrases to enhance our writing.
Continuing our focus on fractions, we unpicked different ways to represent a mixed fraction and how in turn, it shows an improper fraction. Then our focus shifted to adding and subtracting a fraction with the same denominator before securing our understanding using the Learning by Questions website. Next week, we will begin to develop an awareness of decimals and their relationship with fractions.
To acknowledge Brain Awareness Week, we looked into our own brains by creating Brain Hats. Placing the hats on our heads, we were able to look at both sides of the brain to help us recognise its essential functions, as well as how the different lobes support us every day. We also reflected on our thinking maps, thinking hats and unique 4C model with focus on how these tools we have in school support us with our learning and enable our brains to create deeper thinking.
To celebrate British Science Week, we became engineers and made our very own pendulum timers. We experimented how to measure time using the pendulums and explored ways to slow the pendulum down and speed it up. We also entered the annual, UK-wide poster competition. We used our creativity to design a poster surrounding the concept of time. Our posters illustrated what time means to use and how it relates to our British Science Week activity.
Red nose filled the classroom on Friday as we completed lots of fun and games – all with a red theme – in aid of Red Nose Day. It was our mission to ensure we came together to raise smiles in recognition of helping others through tough times in their lives. We should did have the best afternoon!
Have a wonderful weekend, Year 4!
Date: 5th Mar 2024 @ 8:42pm
A week full of determination to achieve and a positive outlook towards all of our learning tasks this week… even if we did have a test or two to complete.
This week, the children have worked incredibly hard to complete assessments to showcase their learning so far this year. Our school value of Hope was certainly achieved by all, as they tried their best and were determined to complete their assessments to the best of their ability.
To kick start National Careers Week, we took part in a quiz to guess what jobs the staff at TSP had before they joined the school. We realised that lots of our staff took many different routes before joining the TSP family.
In Collective Worship, we discussed how sometimes people do and say things that hurt us and how it can be difficult when someone has hurt us to forgive. Using the analogy of a fizzing vitamin tablet, we dropped a tablet into a bottle of water. As it fizzed away, we let the hurt feelings go and imagined forgiving the person as the hurt disappeared. We then reflected on how it feels to forgive others and the relief it brings to our hearts and mind.
Thinking about how we represent a new speaker when writing speech, we created a conversation between the villagers in our story ‘When the giant stirred’, reinforcing our knowledge of how to write speech and also adding the addition of a new line for a new speaker. Next week, we will look at how we can incorporate expanded noun phrases and front adverbials into our writing, alongside speech sentences.
Our Maths lessons have helped us to understand how to add and subtract fractions when the denominator is the same and how convert a improper fraction into a mixed number. Next week, we will start to explore decimals and what fraction and decimal amount are equivalent.
In recognition of International Women’s Day, we delved into books from the Little People, Big Dreams Series to find shared characteristics of inspiring women in history, politics, music, arts, design, science, and sports. Characteristics we identified included bravery, ambition and empowerment.
We were amazed by the incredible costumes on show as we celebrated World Book Day on Thursday. It was a joy to see how so many characters from our favourite books were brought to life… some personalists and characteristics were also portrayed too! What a thrill as we took on the challenge of discovering who the Masked Reader was, hidden behind the mask. With our critical eyes at the ready, we looked for clues and distinguished the book being read by listening carefully to the words and characters heards. We also participated in a book bingo, hunting for books in the class libraries across school to cross of our bingo cards. Books we had to find included one with a dragon, a book with a green cover and a poetry book. We definitely left on Thursday night with an increased loved for reading and an eagerness to delve into new books we discovered during the day.
We hope that you make the most of your weekend, Year 4 and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday!
Date: 27th Feb 2024 @ 10:22pm
Reflecting back to the moments of betrayal and trust we identified in popular children’s films last week, we connected our understanding to help us identify when trust and betrayal were apparent in the Easter story. We recognised that Jesus trusted his disciples and they trusted him, yet he was betrayed to the Roman authorities by one of his disciples, Judas.
After reflecting on the daily chores the villagers undertake in the film Moana, we began to write diary entries to document their daily lives. We ensured each paragraph started with a fronted adverbial to indicate the time of day being referred to and structure our writing. We looked back at some of the STAR Vocab we learnt last week and set ourselves a challenge to incorporate our newly learnt words into our writing. Later in the week, our focus switched to writing speech and recalling the rules associated with using inverted comma’s. Next week, we will be working hard to ensure that when we are writing speech, we use a new line when a new character begins to speak.
In Maths, we have been converting improper fractions to whole numbers and identifying equivalent fractions. We made the connection that in order for a fraction to be equivalent, we multiply the numerator and denominator of the original fraction by the same amount. This has ensured we have not only been learning about fractions this week, but also recalling lots of our times tables. Next week, we will be converting improper fractions into Mixed numbers.
We are continuing to thoroughly enjoy our singing lessons with Liverpool Cathedral and preparation is well underway to show off our vocals when we perform to our loved ones next month to showcase the incredible songs we have been learning.
In Science, we constructed a simple series electrical circuit, to build a traffic light. After creating a 3D box, we fitted 3 light builds with a coloured film over the top before creating 3 circuits containing their own battery and switch to light the bulbs and display the coloured traffic lights. Our Football skills continue to develop in PE, as we pinpoint the three main coaching points to accurately dribble a ball and the inside and outside hook technique we can use to help us change direction and dodge a defender.
With our school value of Hope in mind, we continue to be determined to achieve and give our best efforts to beat out Multiplication Check score each and every morning.
What a busy week, Year 4! Have a restful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Date: 21st Feb 2024 @ 10:24am
What a fantastic first week back!
With Ash Wednesday in our thoughts, we then reflected on how Lent allows Christians to remember Jesus’ fasting in the desert and the things we would give up as a test of our self-discipline. Our focus in RE is to focus on trust and betrayal and how this can be seen in the Easter story, but first we needed to understand what the two terms meant. To do this, we had such fun guiding our trusted friends around our trim trail… blindfolded of course! Continuing with our focus on trust and betrayal in RE, we watched clips from popular children’s movies and discussed the times we could see the characters displaying trust or moments of betrayal. Clips included the trust Wendy had in Peter Pan when taking her first flight and the betrayal Lotso showed to Woody in Toy Story 3.
Fractions have been our focus in Maths, reminding ourselves of how to represent a whole and beginning to find patterns on number lines to be able to count beyond 1, by adding and taking away fractions. It has been important for us to connect our prior knowledge to recall terms such as equivalence, denominator and numerator. Next week, we will begin to partition mixed numbers and compare and order mixed numbers. With a big focus also on Times Tables this term, we are working hard to complete a daily Multiplication Times Table Check and use our school value of Hope to beat our score each day.
It was time to discover what our new book is for the term and make predictions regarding the setting, character and plot in this term’s English book ‘When the Giant Stirred’. By looking at two variations of the front cover, we soon identified the importance of using expanded noun phrases to describe and specify. We found rich vocabulary to help us use topic specific nouns such as Macaws, Loggerhead Sea Turtles and the Pacific Ocean. Next week, we will use the Moana film to help us understand the duties of villagers and begin to complete diary entries, using fronted adverbials, to outline the daily goings on in the tribal village.
On Monday, we were introduced to our new musical instruments and Mrs McCardle discussed with us the different parts of the clarinet and how we can make a sound using the wooden reed inserted into the top of our mouth piece. She showed us how to put the pieces of our clarinet together and the way in which we need to blow into the mouth piece to make a sound. Each week, we will be working hard to learn some musical compositions which we can shared with our loved ones at home later in the year.
We also had a great afternoon creating a Science experiment that enabled us to create the effect of an erupting volcano. By mixing vinegar, Bicarbonate soda and fairy liquid… with a course a splash of red food colouring… our volcanoes bubbled up and out of our volcanoes craters and created a flow of lava trickling down the sides.
A jam-packed week, Year 4. Have a restful weekend!
If your child would like to take their clarinet home after their Music lesson each week, please confirm permission by emailing the Year 4 email account (
Multiplication Times Tables Check Practise resources can be found on Google Classroom, alongside additional Maths and Reading learning that can be completed at home.
PE days this term are Wednesday and Friday therefore, Year 4 should come to school in their PE kits on Wednesday and Friday.