Reception Team: Miss H Dalley (Class Teachers) & Miss V Andrews
and Miss L McCoy: Blog items

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 6

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 1:56pm


We cannot believe it is our last full week in Reception!

This week, the children have been practicing for their final WOW service at St Peter’s church. The children are so excited to share all their special memories from their time in Reception.

On Tuesday, we had a very exciting visit from Active Sefton. Jay came in to talk to the children about the importance of keeping our bodies healthy and we discussed good food choices. Jay then demonstrated how to make a strawberry and banana smoothie and we all got a taste. It was delicious! Thank you so much for a lovely session.

We have also enjoyed thinking about what our favourite activities were throughout this year. The children came up with a list of five things they would like to do before the end of the year. We can’t wait for lots of fun next week!

The children recently enjoyed a visit from Josh from Formby Library who shared all the exciting details about this year's Summer Reading Challenge. There are two ways you can take part in the Summer Reading Challenge:

  • You can join at Formby Library and take part in person. The librarian will give you a collector folder, stickers, and other special rewards, and help you find books to read.
  • Or, take part online by signing up here. Set a reading goal and log your books on your profile. When you reach your goal, you will unlock a virtual badge and certificate. Link:
Please note, the in-person and online challenges are separate. Medals and certificates are only available via the library, for those taking part in the in-person challenge. We hope the children enjoy completing the reading challenge and this will be celebrated when we return to school in September.


We wish you all a lovely weekend,

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Friday 19th July – School finish 1pm

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 5

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 3:48pm


For RE this week we have continued to talk about special times especially those while we have been in Reception. The children have enjoyed practicing singing, learning lines and creating paintings to talk about at our final wow service, we can’t wait to see you there!

Continuing with our ‘Superheroes’ theme, we talked about the importance of superheroes fuelling their bodies before saving the day! We discussed how it is important to have a balanced diet and to think about healthy choices. Leading on from this, the children were able to taste a variety of different fruits. It was lovely to see the children having a try, even if they were a little unsure as to whether they would like it.

In D&T, Reception have been using their design to create their own boat. They experimented with different materials and joining methods to achieve the end result. Amazing work everyone!

We also discussed with the children 5 things they would like to do together before the end of the term. As you can imagine the children had quite a long list and some of the ideas we were not able to quite carry out! After a vote the children settled for a final 5, you will have to keep a watch on our twitter page to see what these ideas are!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!

Miss Dalley and the Reception team


Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

Wednesday 17th July – Final WOW Service of the year – 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 19th July – School finish for the Summer 1pm

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 4

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 3:40pm


What a fun filled week we have had in Reception, enjoying the sunshine.

For RE this week we have started a new theme all about special times. We began our session thinking about what we mean by ‘special times’, the children talked about holidays and birthdays. We then began to reflect on our school year and the special times we have had together. The children have made a list of their favourite special times and we will then talk about these in our final WOW service.

On Wednesday we had the best time for Sports day, we were glad the rain stayed away and we could take part in our races! We are very proud of them all and their sportsmanship.

Continuing with our ‘Superheroes’ theme, the children have enjoyed re-telling the story of ‘Supertato’ using a variety of different vegetables. As a class we then thought of different ways we could catch the Evil pea to stop him causing any more mischief. We fed the ideas back to Supertato and sent him on a mission. When we came back in the morning, Supertato had caught the Evil pea using cellotape! The children then had a go at writing speech bubbles for what the Evil pea may be saying now that he’s trapped.

As part of our D&T ‘making boats’ topic, we started to explore waterproof items and items that sink or float. As a class we tested different household items to see if they were waterproof and then categorised them. We then looked at items that sink or float and discussed what the best materials would be to use to make our own junk model boat.  

We wish you all a lovely weekend

Miss Dalley and the Reception team


Wednesday 17th July – Final WOW service 2pm @St Peter’s Church

Friday 19th July – School finish 1pm

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 3

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 8:18am


What a lovely week we have had in the sunshine.

For RE this week we have enjoyed Caroline visiting us for Godly Play. Caroline continued with the theme of ‘Prayer’ and discussed the Pretzel prayer and how when you look at a pretzel it can remind us of crossed arms in prayer. Caroline then shared pretzels with the children as they all said a prayer together. On Wednesday we went to ‘WOW’ and after talking about the importance of prayer, three of the Reception children said a prayer. Thank your Caroline for a lovely service.

We continued with our theme of ‘Superheroes’. This week we have loved the story of ‘Supertato’ and on Monday we discovered some frozen vegetables in blocks of ice with letter asking us to help them escape! The children then enjoyed using warm water and salt to help the peas escape, the children had so much fun! The children have also enjoyed making pictures of the Evil Pea and writing wanted posters to help catch him. On Wednesday, we noticed that the evil pea had been up to more mischief. He had captured the vegetables and trapped them under a basket. The children continued the hunt for the evil pea, searching for clues in the outdoor area.

We have continued to practiced for sports day and cannot wait for everyone to watch it next week!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team.


Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

Wednesday 26th June – Sports Day

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 2

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 3:55pm


What a busy week we have had!

For RE this week we continued to learn about our theme of ‘Prayer’. We learnt about how we can use our hand to help us to pray using each finger for a different meaning, for an example the thumb because it is closest to you when you look at your hands reminds us to pray for people we love. The children then enjoyed drawing around their hands and talking about the ‘five finger prayer’.

We are loving our theme of ‘Superheroes’. This week we watched a short film about 10 rules of a superhero, we then asked the children to think about if they could have a super power what their superpower might be and why they would like to have that power. The children described to their friends how they would use their powers, what fun we had!

We have also spent the week thinking about Father’s Day and the special father figures in their life. We made a card and a special gift to share with our Father’s / father figures and talked about what makes them so special.

On Friday we had a classroom full of Super Heroes. The children started the day by taking part in a super hero catwalk, they showed their costume to their friends and talked about their favourite superhero. The children also made their own super hero vest using fabric pens, I’m sure you will agree they looked amazing! The children then made their own obstacle course outside to show their superhero moves!

We wish you all a lovely weekend!

Miss Dalley and the Reception team.



Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

Wednesday 19th June – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Wednesday 26th June – Sports day

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 1

Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 4:19pm


We hope you all had a fabulous half term and all ready for a fun packed final half term in Reception!

For RE this week we have started to think about Prayer. We began our session thinking about when we pray and prayers that we knew. We then looked at lots of different objects we may use to help us pray, such as rosary beads and holding crosses. The children then wrote their own special prayer to God.

We were very excited to start our new theme ‘Superheroes’. The role play has been turned into a superhero headquarters, where the children have had the opportunity to dress up as a superhero and think about what the role of a super hero is. The children have enjoyed thinking about what makes a superhero and if they know any superheroes? The children also enjoyed thinking about if they were a superhero what super powers would they have and why? We look forward to seeing where our learning will take us!!!

As we finished for half term, we planted sunflower seeds. We were excited to see that seedlings had grown and a few leaves appeared on the stem. We made sure that our seedlings were in the sunlight, had lots of space and were watered regularly. We can’t wait to watch them grow!

On Thursday Reception enjoyed a gymnastics session with Pro Skill Sports. The children learnt lots of new skills and even got to use some new equipment. What fun we had!

On Friday, it was our school fair. The children enjoyed pony rides, face painting, bouncy castle and even a disco! Thank you so much to Team TSP for organising this for us.

We wish you all a lovely weekend and see you all next week!

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Tuesday 11th June- Class Photos

Wednesday 12th June - TSP Father’s Day Present Room


Reception - Summer 1 - Week 6

Date: 22nd May 2024 @ 1:27pm


Well we cannot quite believe we are approaching half term!

For RE this week we have continued with our ‘Special places’ theme. The children really loved sharing their pictures of special places and discussing why these places were so special. The children had lots of interesting questions to ask each other, this also let us to think about Church as a special place to visit at times when we want to feel close to Jesus, although we did realise that we don’t always have to go to church to feel close to Jesus.

The week in Forest school, we planted our own sunflower seeds. We also talked about what we need to do to care for our plants to make sure they have what they need to grow. We can’t wait to see what happens next! What great fun we had!

This week we have enjoyed learning all about ‘Ladybirds’. The children have enjoyed painting different types of Ladybirds, making ladybirds out of playdough and also trying to find them in our outside area. The children learnt that Ladybirds lay their eggs in clusters or rows on the underside of a leaf, so also spent time looking under the leaves to see if they could find any ladybird eggs.

After allowing our clay bowls to dry over the weekend, we were able to paint them. They looked amazing!

We wish you all a lovely weekend and a fabulous half term!



Monday 3rd June return to school

Reception - Summer 1 - Week 5

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 1:03pm


Well what an exciting week we have had!

For RE this week we enjoyed visiting St Peter’s Church for our WOW service. Caroline and Anne talked about how the church is a special place. Anne talked to the children about Pentecost and what it is. We also sang happy birthday to St Peter’s church to celebrate it’s special day.

On Thursday, Caroline came in to talk to the children about what happens during holy communion at church. Caroline showed the children a special cloth that is used and the chalice. The children were then able to taste the wafer that would be blessed by vicar in church. Thank you, Caroline for a lovely session.

This week we were very excited to see that our butterflies had hatched out of their cocoons, some of the children were even lucky enough to watch it happen! We then went to the outdoor area to set them free. We thought about where they might go next!

The children were very excited to explore using clay this week. We first felt the clay and practiced manipulating it with our fingers and using different tools. After a discussion, we decided that we were going to make bowls for our little treasures that we may have at home. Well done Reception, they look amazing!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you next week!


Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Friday 24th May – Break up for half term

Reception - Summer 1 - Week 4

Date: 9th May 2024 @ 2:50pm




Well these weeks are truly flying by! The children are having so much fun and particularly enjoying spending time outside exploring the world around them.

This week we were excited to see that over the weekend our caterpillars had gone into their cocoons, so we are just waiting to see how long before we get beautiful butterflies. We have thought about what Butterflies may like to eat and have tried to plant different things in the outside area to attract them. We have also enjoyed lots of different activities around the classroom and particularly making our own butterfly prints and using new vocabulary like ‘symmetrical’ when discussing the patterns on the Butterfly wings.

At the start of the week we also started to discuss what we know about Frogs and completed a class circle map to begin our learning. We will have to see next week how much more we can add to our circle map!

On Thursday it was scooter day! Reception put their helmets, knee pads and elbow pads on ready to take part in a fun session. The children learnt lots of new tricks. It was so lovely to see the children having a go, even if they found it tricky, just like our SHINE friend Leo. Well done everyone!


We wish you all a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Wednesday 15th May – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 24th May – Break up for half term

Reception - Summer 1 - Week 1

Date: 17th Apr 2024 @ 6:02pm


Welcome back after the Easter break, we hope you all had a lovely time off. The children have enjoyed talking about what they have been up to over the last two weeks.

The children have also spent some time learning all about ‘Eid’, the children learnt that  Eid Al-Fitr means ‘the feast of breaking the fast’, which is a celebration that happens when Ramadan ends. We also talked about how we know that Eid Al-Fitr is here when we see a new crescent moon in the sky. The children have also enjoyed recalling previous learning about Ramadan.

The children started to notice that lots of the trees have started to get blossom. We talked about the different changes we notice across the four seasons. The children them had a go at creating their own watercolour painting of pink cherry blossom. Well done everyone!

On Wednesday we all got onto the coach and off we went to Knowsley Safari Park. We enjoyed a guided tour around the park, learning different facts about the animals. We then watched the sea lion show and met two sea lions called Arthur and Louis, who amazed us with their tricks. We then made our way to the Birds of prey display where we saw eagles, hawks, vultures and owls. What an amazing show this was! We then ended our day with a hidden habitats workshop where the children learnt all about the habitats that some of the animals live in. What a fantastic day we had. Reception you were amazing, we are so proud of you all.

Reception took part in a Mini marathon in support of the London marathon. We all ran around our outdoor area throughout the week to complete our laps. Well done everyone.



Wednesday 24th April - EYFS profile meeting - 3:20pm in the Reception classroom

Friday 26th April - Mufti day - Donations for Uganda

Reception - Spring 2 - Week 6

Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 1:25pm


Wow, what an amazing term we have had. Reception you are all amazing!

This week learnt all about how people celebrate Easter and the children talked about what they were doing over the weekend. The children then made their own Easter nests and took part in an Easter hunt. On Wednesday we went over to S.t Peter's church for our Easter bonnet 'WOW' service. The children took part in a parade to show off their amazing bonnets that they had made. The children sang three Easter songs with their friends in Nursery and three of the children said an Easter prayer. Thank you to Anne and Caroline for a lovely service.

On Thursday, Reception had a very exciting visit from the Easter bunny! We could not believe our eyes! What fun we had.

I have attached a link for the Reception class Virtual classroom below to access learning related to next half terms themes.

We hope you all have a lovely Easter break and see you all soon!


Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Monday 15th April - Return to school

Reception - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 4:51pm


The weeks are flying by, we can’t believe it’s nearly the end of term!

The children had their final visit from Caroline as part of our Lent programme. Caroline brought her friend Peter the palm tree to tell the children about what it was like on Palm Sunday. Caroline told the children about ‘the last supper’ and the children talked about what they would eat if it was their last supper. Caroline then talked to the children about the meaning of Easter and told them the Easter story. Thank you Caroline for another lovely session.

This week the children have enjoyed learning all about ‘Ramadan’ and the religion of ‘Islam’. The children discussed how followers of Islam are called Muslims, and that Muslims believe there is one true God called ‘Allah’. We also learnt that ‘Ramadan’ is a period of fasting not eating or drinking during daylight hours. The children also enjoyed looking at similarities and differences between the Muslim faith and the Christian faith, there were more than you would think!

The children have been practicing songs for the Easter Bonnet ‘WOW’ service next Wednesday and we can’t wait to perform them to all our family and friends.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team


Wednesday 27th March – FS Easter WOW Service and Easter Bonnet parade at St Peter’s Church at 2pm.

Thursday 28th March – Break up for the Easter holidays 1pm

Monday 15th April – Return to Reception


Reception - Spring 2 - Week 4

Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 1:25pm

WOW! Reception you we are so proud of how amazing you are all doing!

On Thursday we celebrated British Science Week, this year the theme was ‘time’. Reception created their own four seasons painting to show how the weather changes over time across the year. We first discussed what differences we would notice in each season and then discussed how we could show this on our painting using different colours and textures. What amazing art work everyone! 

As it is Brain Awareness week, we have enjoyed learning all about the brain. We discussed where the brain is located, what we need a brain for and how we keep our brain healthy. We the found links to our school values of ‘Hope’ and ‘Imagine’. This then lead onto a conversation about how to keep our bodies healthy and why sleep is so important. We then talked about our night time routine and why each step is important for example, brushing our teeth. 

On Friday we were lucky to be joined by Emma from ‘Tappy toes’ for a fantastic dance session which linked to our current PE topic. The children had so much fun! Thank you so much for a lovely afternoon.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!

Miss Dalley and the Reception team


Wednesday 27th March – FS Easter WOW Service and Easter Bonnet parade at St Peter’s Church at 2pm.

Thursday 28th March – Break up for the Easter holidays 1pm

Monday 15th April – Return to school


Reception - Spring 2 - Week 3

Date: 6th Mar 2024 @ 1:38pm


In RE this week we learnt that a parable is a story told by Jesus to help us to know how to live our lives. We listened to a parable called ‘The sower’ and talked about how Jesus wants us to be with one another. We discussed that the hidden message was that that the seed that the sower was planting in the story represents the teachings of God's Word. We then planted our own seeds in class to watch them grow.

In Forest school this week, the children used the magnifying glasses to have a close look at the bark on the trees. We discovered that some trees were smooth and some were rough and bumpy. The children then worked in pairs to complete some bark rubbings. Well done everyone!

On Thursday the children all dressed up as their favourite book characters for world book day. The children walked down the catwalk to show off their amazing costumes and we talked about what our favourite book is and why. We were joined by our Year 6 buddies to enjoy our favourite stories together and then held our own puppet show. What a fun day we have had!

On Friday we marked international women’s day and talked about the importance of celebrating the amazing women in our lives. We read a lovely story called ‘Girls can do anything’ and discussed why it is important for everyone to be treated equally.

We have continued our theme of Animals around the world and this week we have looked at South America. We first located South America on the map and then looked at the different animals that are found there. We looked at the different habitats and thought about why we don’t see the same animals in the wild in the UK.



Wednesday 27th March – FS Easter WOW Service and Easter Bonnet parade at St Peter’s Church at 2pm.

Thursday 28th March – Break up for the Easter holidays

Monday 15th April – Return to School

Reception - Spring 2 - Week 2

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 4:20pm


What a busy week we have had!

On Wednesday we went to our Mother’s Day WOW service at S.t Peter’s church where Reception and Nursery performed three songs together and some of the Reception children said a prayer. We talked about how thankful we are for all the special people are in our lives. Thank you, Caroline, for a lovely service.

We are continuing to thoroughly enjoy our Forest school, this week we enjoyed a little bit of free time to explore the grounds outside. The children quickly noticed how a lot of new flowers had started to grow and were particularly interested in the feel of the bark on the trees and how it all felt different, the children were able to use some great language to describe how the tree bark felt.

We have enjoyed continuing to learn about ‘Animals from around the world’. This week we have learnt about animals from South America, we talked about where North America is and enjoyed finding this on our world map. We discussed the type of weather in North America and the different animals you would find living there. We also enjoyed playing a game of ‘What am I?’ where the children had to listen to 3 clues and see if they could guess the animal. What great fun we had!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception Team


Wednesday 6th March – Mother’s Day Present Room

Thursday 7th March – World Book Day

Reception - Spring 2 - Week 1

Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 3:35pm


We hope everyone had a lovely half term and are ready for the fun that lies ahead as we run up to Easter.

For RE this week, Caroline kindly came into join us for Godly play and told us a story ‘The Wise man and the Foolish man’. This taught us God’s message that ‘If you listen to me and practice what I say, then you will do really well in life.’ Thank you for a lovely session Caroline.

In forest school, Reception listened for environmental sounds and signs of Spring in our surroundings. We then enjoyed playing a game of ‘1,2,3,where are you?’ What fun we have had!

We began the week with the transformation of our role play into a safari jeep with explorer resources, as this half term we will be learning all about ‘Animals from around the world’. This week we began our journey in Africa, the children looked where Africa was on the world map and then learnt about the animals that live there. We particularly enjoyed exploring the different habitats that the animals live in. We can’t wait to see where our learning takes us next week!

What a busy and exciting first week back! Enjoy the weekend and we will see you Monday.


Miss Dalley and the Reception Team



Wednesday 28th February WOW Service at St Peter’s Church – Celebrating Mother’s Day

Wednesday 6th March – Mother’s Day Present Room

Thursday 7th March – World Book Day

Reception - Spring 1 - Week 5

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 4:32pm


We cannot believe it is half term already. Reception you have been amazing!

This week the children have been learning all about ‘Chinese New Year’. We talked about how it is celebrated, enjoyed watching a dragon dance and read the story ‘The great race’. We then discussed similarities to how we celebrate New Year, such as having firework displays. We all sat together for a lovely Chinese banquet for the opportunity to try different Chinese foods whilst listening to Chinese music. It was lovely to see the children having a try of the different foods! We took part in lots of different creative activities such as Chinese writing, lantern making and making Chinese fans. What a fun week we have had!

In maths the children have been using their subitising skills when looking at different dot patterns of 6,7 and 8. They were challenged to match the ladybird images together with the same number of spots. We noticed that if we look on each side of the lady bird the two amounts of dots present a way that the number is composed. Great maths work everyone!

On Tuesday for 'Safer internet day' we welcomed our brilliant digital leaders to our class to talk to us about how to be safe when using the internet. They then kindly taught the children how to use the Beebots. Thank you so much digital leaders!

On Friday the children learnt all about Valentine’s day. We enjoyed listening to the story, ‘Guess how much I love you’ and talked about people that we love. The children then made heart shaped pancakes to enjoy together as an early celebration of pancake day.

We hope you have a lovely half term and see you all soon!


Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Monday 19th February – Back to School

Wednesday 28th February WOW Service at St Peter’s Church – Celebrating Mother’s Day

Wednesday 6th March – Team TSP Mother’s Day Present Room

Thursday 7th March – World Book Day

Reception - Spring 1 - Week 4

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 4:50pm


What a very busy and fun week we have had!

This week in RE, the children have enjoyed listening to the story ‘Daniel and the Lion’s den this led to the children talking to each other about a time they had been brave. The children then enjoyed making lion masks to remind them of these times.

The children have enjoyed learning all about Neil Armstrong by using the fabulous book ‘Little People Big Dreams – Neil Armstrong’. This then led us onto learning about Tim Peake and his journey into space, the children especially enjoyed watching his space walk and the children were fascinated! The children then came up with a list of things that they would need to take on a space mission.

The children began the week with a visit to Forest school. The children were given the task to find different natural resources to make a snowman. We even gave them some hair! The children then enjoyed playing a game of ‘1,2,3, where are you?’ What a fabulous time we had!

In maths we have started to explore the numbers, 6,7 and 8. the children have been looking for different resources that represent each number and used their sorting skills to put them into groups. Great work everyone!

We look forward to seeing you next week for our last week before half term.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Wed 7th February – Parent Teacher Meetings in the school hall

Friday 9th February – Finish for half term

Monday 19th February – Back to School

Reception - Spring 1 - Week 3

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 3:55pm


What an exciting week we have had!

For RE this week we have completed our theme of stories Jesus told by listening to the story of Noah’s Ark. The children enjoyed creating their own rainbows and thought of a promise they could make to God to help look after the world and people around us.

The children were so surprised on Monday to find the Home corner had been turned into a space station! On Tuesday we discovered and Alien had landed in the classroom and had to use our detective skills to find out where they had gone and what they looked like! The children discovered a small friendly Alien called ‘Beegu’ had been hiding in the classroom, the children have enjoyed creating Alien pictures and describing what Beegu looks like! We went on a search to find Beegu’s Mum in the outdoor area, following any clues that we came across. Once we found her the children enjoyed making space rockets to help Beegu and her Mum get back home. I wonder what other adventures Beegu will get up to.

In Maths we have been looking at weight and capacity. The children have enjoyed exploring the weight of different items around the room using scales to see which is lighter and which is heavier. We realised that just because an item is big, it doesn’t always mean that it’s heavy!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Wednesday 31st January and 7th February - Parent Teacher Meetings in the School Hall

Thursday 8th February - Reception Health Screening

Friday 9th February – Finish for half term

Monday 19th February – Return to school



Reception - Spring 1 - Week 2

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 3:31pm


What a very busy week we have had!

For RE this week, continuing with our theme of stories Jesus told, we listened to the story of Joseph’s colourful coat. The children enjoyed creating their own coats using collage and acting out the story in the home corner.

At Forest school this week, the children were given the task of using a checklist to look for different signs of winter. The children worked really well as a team on their hunt outside. We then talked about why we may not have seen all the signs on the list that day.

As part of our theme ‘Winter’ the children have enjoyed a variety of different stories such as ‘A thing called snow’ and ‘The lights that danced in the night’ by Yuval Zommer. We talked about the types of clothing we may wear in the winter and then how they are different to the clothes we wear in summer. Later in the week we looked at different arctic animals. We talked about why they are suitable to the habitat they live in.

In Maths this week we have continued to explore the number 5. The children have looked at recognising how many is missing from a whole quantity of 5 and used a 5 frame to help them to work it out. Great maths work everyone!

On Friday we had a visit from Star sports for a multi sports taster session. We had so much fun playing different team games. Thank you so much for Adrien for a fantastic session.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week.


Miss Dalley and the Reception team.



Tuesday 23rd January - Siblings School Photos – John Howard Photography (information to follow)

Wednesday 24th January - Parent Teacher Meetings in the School Hall

Wednesday 31st January - Parent Teacher Meetings in the School Hall

Wednesday 7th February - Parent Teacher Meetings School Hall

Reception - Spring 1 - Week 1

Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 3:53pm


Happy New Year to everyone and we hope you had a lovely Christmas. We have loved hearing about all the children’s news about the holidays.

For RE this week we have enjoyed learning all about ‘Epiphany’ and the end of the Christmas season. We reflected on the importance of the star that guided the King’s to baby Jesus. On Thursday, Caroline kindly came in to tell the children the story of ‘Jonah and the Whale’ to introduce our new RE topic of ‘Stories Jesus Heard’. The children have since enjoyed acting out the story. Thank you so much for a lovely session.

The children also enjoyed listening to different stories all about the ‘New Year’ and talking about how this is celebrated. This brought us to start thinking about what our own New Years resolution can be.  

In maths we have been looking at the composition of 5. The children have enjoyed taking their learning outside to play different games to help us find out how 5 can be made. Great work everyone!

This week in art the children have explored dot paintings. We looked at the artist Yayoi Kusama, and talked about different ways we could make dot art work. The children then created their own finger print firework paintings.

All children across the whole school are encouraged to read each day both in and out of school. Some additional recommended Reading at Home resources can be found here

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team


Tuesday 23rd January - Sibling school photos (information to follow)

Reception - Autumn 2 - Week 8

Date: 19th Dec 2023 @ 7:58am


On Monday, Caroline came to talk to the children about the symbolism of the Christingle. The children learnt that the orange represents the world. The red tape symbolises love. The sweets and dried fruit represent all of God's creations. The lit candle represents Jesus's light in the world. The children then enjoyed making their own Christingle to take home. Thank you, Caroline, for a lovely session. On Tuesday, our Year 6 buddies came down to play some games and have some festive fun with us.

What a fantastic term we have had! We are so proud of each and every one of the children for all their hard work this term. Thank you for all your continuous support and we hope you all have a lovely well-deserved break. Thank you so much for all the kind messages, cards and gifts that we have received. We are extremely grateful.

Have a fantastic Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Please see our updated virtual classroom, the link can be found below. 

Miss Dalley and the Reception team

Reception - Autumn 2 - Week 7

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 4:50pm


This week, our class elf, Twinkle, has been up to a lot of mischief! We have had lots of laughs and giggles all around. As a gift from Twinkle, the children have enjoyed listening to a new Christmas story each week.

As a reward for all Reception’s hard work this term they got to have a class treat of their choice. The children voted to have an ice cream parlour. They thoroughly enjoyed making their own ice cream sundae with lots of different toppings. Delicious!

On Wednesday, it was Christmas dinner day. The children all sat together in the hall, singing along to songs and pulling crackers with their friends. What fun we had! In the afternoon, the children walked over to St Peter’s church for their Christmas WOW service. The Reception children took part in a Nativity service with the help from some of their Year 6 friends. The children in Nursery then sang two songs for us all to enjoy. Thank you to Anne and Caroline for everything that you do.

On Thursday, the children took part in a Santa dash. Reception were challenged to find the clues hidden in Santa hats in the outdoor area. This would help us to find out which teacher was secretly Rudolf. We successfully figured out that it was Miss Jones!

On Friday it was Christmas jumper and Christmas Party day, the children came to school wearing their own clothes and a Christmas jumper to raise money for Save the Children. The children took part in party games, dancing and decorated a Christmas biscuit. What a fun day we had.

We hope you all have a restful weekend and see you next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team.


Tuesday 19th December – School Finish @1pm

Reception - Autumn 2 - Week 6

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 8:07am


Reception you are amazing! We are so proud of each and every one of you for performing in the Nativity play. You all worked so hard and really did shine. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Thank you to all the parents at home for their support helping the children learn their lines, what super stars they are.

The children have been thoroughly enjoying finding where our elf ‘Twinkle’ has been hiding each morning. We have discovered she is quite a mischievous elf. She even dressed as an angel to try and be part of our Nativity play. Each day Twinkle kindly brought a Christmas story for us all to enjoy. Thank you Twinkle!

This week, the children have been using the post office area to write letters to Twinkle that include questions. We then came together and thought of different questions we could ask her including, ‘What is it like in the North Pole’ and ‘Do you have any elf friends?’. We were amazed to find that Twinkle had written back to us. We loved finding out about your very important job as an elf.

We hope you all have a lovely restful weekend and see you all next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Wednesday 13th December - Christmas WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper and Party day

Tuesday 19th December – School Finish @1pm

Reception - Autumn 2 - Week 5

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 4:47pm


In RE, we had a very special visit from Mark from Holy Trinity Church who came to talk to the children about his special role in the community. Mark then talked about Baptism with the children, we even had our own Baptism in class! Thank you Mark for your time, it was a lovely experience for the children.

The children enjoyed baking gingerbread men this week. However, we came in to school the next day to find that the gingerbread men had run away! We followed a trail of flour to the outdoor area but couldn’t find them anywhere. The children then made posters to put around the school to see if anyone had seen them. The next morning the gingerbread men had returned! They said they had been running around the outdoor area all night away from mice, birds and foxes so were ready to come back. The children then decorated them and took them home to enjoy.

We were so excited to start our new theme ‘The Jolly Postman’, we have enjoyed exploring the role play area, making letters and postcards. We enjoyed listening to the story and beginning to think about what it would be like to be a post person. We were inspired by the theme and wanted to send letters to people around the school.

We had a very exciting visit from Doctor Cosgrove and Doctor Ryan, who kindly came in to talk to the children about their very important job in the community. The children learnt about where they work, what they do and the different equipment they use. Thank you so much for coming in, we thoroughly enjoyed your visit. 

On Friday the children had such fun at the Christmas Extravaganza and visit to Santa’s Grotto. Thank you so much to Team TSP for organising this for everyone. IN the afternoon the children enjoyed a film together with snacks and hot chocolate. Wat fun we have had!

The children have been working incredibly hard practicing for the Nativity, we cannot wait for you to see it as we are sure you are going to love it!

Have a lovely weekend and see you all next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Friday 8th December – 9.20am and 1:20pm - Reception Nativity

Wednesday 13th December - Christmas WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper and Party day

Tuesday 19th December – School Finish @1pm